Is there a reason they are going live on next week Tuesday cst NA time zone, instead of say this Friday. I wanted to show my nephews and niece wow classic this weekend. Hence the question.
Every major patch/release is almost always on tuesdays. Has been this way since forever.
Pretty sure it’s coming out monday which is the 26th at 6pm est or 3pm pdt.
Yea not sure where your getting Friday, it’s out here on Monday 26th at 6:00pm EST.
I do wonder how many are confused and think it’s Tuesday for NA lol. I myself kept getting it mixed up.
Well it says pretty much everywhere that its August 27th, but everyone keeps saying the 26th so I just go off that, who really knows lol
It’s because Blizzard said the whole 27th thing(when talking in general), but if you read the dates on the thing, it says the 26th for North America with asterisks, saying that it’s the 26th, to align it with the same time as the other locations(which by time zone, are already the 27th). Some of their other articles specifically mentioning it in PDT specifically mention the 26th instead.
They literally shared the exact date/time for your timezone in a blue post that is pinned in this forum.
It’s pretty much always been that way. I don’t remember any release/patch that wasn’t on a Tuesday, and yes I am aware that the release for us is on Monday. Just answering the OP’s question.
I made a post about it but people have been defending blizz like crazy, fact is they have been very misleading. They said 27th but it’s 26th
Its not going live on tuesday. Its going live on monday 5pm cst they are doing a global release. Also they always do releases at the start of the week to line up with their patch schedule
Its the 27th every where else in the world except NA and SA. Thats how times zones across the globe work
Its going live monday the 26th at 3pm pst.
Ssssh, maybe a lot of people will think it’s Tuesday and give us less queues on Monday :D.
Yeah thats a troll. They are doing a global release at 10pm UTC on the 26th. Everything that isnt on the west side of the atlantic ocean is 12am and on on the 27th.
Last I checked blizzard is on the west side of the Atlantic.
Okay and? Does that mean they shouldnt cater to literally the majority of the population of the world? Or is your NA brain to fragile to understand that the United States isnt the only country and americans arent the only or majority of the people playing this game?
Doesn’t matter if I’m smart or not, what matters is blizzard created a ton of confusion with their misleading launch date. Lots of people think it launch Tuesday and not Monday. Insulting me doesn’t change that.
You can still show it to them on the weekend. It’s not like it’ll be gone forever after releasing on Monday.