Rejoining Covenants

I was nightfae. I recently completed the 2 quest that are given when we want to have the option to rejoin our previous covenant.

As soon as I turned in the 2nd quest it automatically switched me over to Necrolords, with nothing stating that once the completion of that quest my covenant was going to be switch over automatically.

I did not wanted to change over, I merely wanted the option to be able to change over, like how the other works when you can look at them w.o joining them.

Is this 2nd quest created in a way that I have to keep the quest completed in my log till I decided to join that covenant. I was led to believe that the way the 2 quest system worked for the covenants is that once you completed both of the quest you will have the option to change over if you wanted , not automatically change over in a quest being turned in.

Is there anyway to revert this, this isn’t someting I didn’t want to do. I merely wanted to have the option to change over in the future.

Also if talk to the nightfae embassy I’m getting no dialog for the quest to rebuild trust.


Fourth person with the same issues others are experiencing. No way to rejoin a previous covenant.

The two other threads with this issue is :

I really hope this gets fixed. Not being able to chose to stay nightfae or select it after completing the quest is major mishap.

They also need to fix that 2nd quest turn in process. It should prompt players that as soon as they turn in that 2nd quest it will switch them over.

Or let them know to keep the quest completed in the log and not turned it in

Which I’m guessing is actually suppose to revert to how it looks like when you check the different covenants the 1st time not just switch right then and there


It does tell you in the quest for “Rebuild out trust” that completing it will immediately swap you.

Here’s an example:

This issue is that the option to rejoin a former covenant is missing.

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YEa that fact there is on you bud. But Tig and I stand by our support for the option to rejoin the old covenants immediately as stated by Wowhead and the Blue post. Im bumping and commenting to address and make aware the severity of this game breaking “BUG” because it is actively hindering my enjoyment in this game

Hey Tig, can you teach me how to post pics like you did?

Just post the URL of the image. Right click an image, copy image location, paste into the forum reply box. Blizzard’s forum will convert it to an actual image when posting.

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Great. also How do i go about cliping game pictures using sniping tools then?

If you’re on Windows, you can use something like snipping tool (native program to select and save parts of a screen you’re looking at). You’d then have to post it some where, and get the URL from where you posted it.

Ahhh ok. Guess I miss that part. The power of reading lol. I assumed I woulndt have to keep a quest completed in the log.

Well since that’s answered. I guess the next one is that missing build trust quest for the previous covenant.

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Hey Urïk, did you solve the problem to return to the previous covenant? The same thing happened me yesterday and I still can’t fix it

I just had to wait for the weekly reset and afterwards everything worked

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What’s strange is that I had to talk to the npc of the covenant to get the quest. It wasn’t appearing above him. And had to wait till the next week to get it.

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