Rejoice! Rework is slated for 10.2!

Choice nodes is all we can realistically request for.

  • Our guy said to test it when it hits on whatever PTR it is planned for. All we know is maybe 10.2 /shrug. Unlikely anything going on 10.1.7.

I’d give anything to just focus on symbols and sanguinary vein back. I just want to rip fat gloomblades , eviscerates, and strikes / ambush. Could really care less about gimmicks to pad meters and other crap.

New stuff is cool to have but when you essentially lock us into the same 2 - 3 paths and then tune around that, it sucks. There isn’t much wiggle room at all on Subtlety’s tree. There are a few ways to help but you have to really goof around with the class tree too but something else will always suffer.

I just really want to build a heavy and hate filled backstab /gloomblade / shadowstrike going all the way down. P.Veins is ok but def would like it to be a flat 25% regardless as an example.

This is the 3rd expansion in a row Rogues are developed last and Subtlety is once again the last specialization to be developed. Filled with gimmicks and goofy ish to be tuned around constantly instead of a well cohesive core focused bit of abilities.

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Yeah ok, grape kool-aid isnt orange kool-aid, isnt tropical punch kool-aid…
They are all the same, they are instant cast AoE and sit in the same place on the bar in every spec. Sure the flavor is different, but they do not noticeably change how the specs are played or give you a noticeably different playing experience between specs.
Play a tank spec, swap to a healing spec, swap to a melee dps spec, swap to a ranged dps spec. Now you will see noticeably different playstyles. The rogue is just…melee dps and one spec plays the same as any other with a different flavor packet. The end result is they are all kool-aid.

Do you even play a rogue?


Just catching up on this thread and I think some of you are missing the point with Slice and Dice. The issue isn’t so much whether it’s hard or not to maintain it. Mainly, it is that it costs too many resources (combo points, energy) for a marginal gain AND takes up a GCD, which generally just makes it feel bad to press.

We all agree that maintaining slice is easy right? So how can we in the same argument say that removing slice is “dumbing” rogue down? Those are contradictory statements.

I just don’t see what value slice adds to the class. I’m pretty indifferent to it. If it stays, at least take it off the GCD or make it not cost combo points or something. A stealth class should be able to open from stealth 100% ready to deal damage. You do your setup while in stealth, not after you’ve exposed yourself like an idiot.


Bro you’re delusional if you think that Outlaw and Sub are even remotely the same, let alone Sub taking more than a single braincell to play in PVE.


Yeah. Tricks of the Trade has a PvP talent that boosts the target’s damage for a while, that would already be pretty nice.

In RPGs in general, Rogues and teamwork go hand-in-hand (see flanking). Hell, even a party-wide Crit buff could be spun as flavorful, if a bit lazy.

Personally I feel something that increases Physical damage taken by your current target from all sources - like how Destruction Warlock can increase Fire damage taken from ALL sources - would go a long way to increasing Rogue utility.

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For raids, Blizzard would just increase boss/mob health to offset.
For PvP, our damage would be nerfed somewhere else.

That’s what Blizzard does. They balance around mandatory raid buffs on the assumption all of them will be present.

Personally, I think they should get rid of all such abilities. Get back to “take the player, not the spec”.



You cant be bothered to hit slice one single time in your opener and then forget about it for the rest of the boss fight or key? Because its basically passive after the first cast.

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We stab, steal, plan, and burn down houses. All boxes checked for things Rogues do.

Tanks do tank stuff
Healy kids do healy heal stuff.

Those don’t belong on rogue. IF they did add something, it would be support as a FOURTH specialization. (Devs already said support roles are heavily dependent on how people receive augmentation and will take it from there.) it would have to do crap damage instead of comparing onions and bananas. Give party buffs and other jazz and depending on the strength of those things possibly cause more issues as there are what 38-39 specializations now?

We have tanks and healers getting upset because they “don’t do damage”.

  • you’re a tank or healer, that’s your gig.

Hybrids used to do more hybrid stuff and got upset they did less damage when their class was support. Now that’s flipped or an extension.

That aint rogue. No one can sell that to any long standing rogue. If people “need a reason to be wanted in a group” sounds like seeking attention and flavor kids re rolling.

A lot of people goof around on many classes which is fine. No need to criss cross apple sauce our kit or ideals.

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That niche is already taken by Monks.

No point was missed. You just have a different opinion.

It clearly is hard for you to use if you think it costs too much and think it’s marginal. If it’s so marginal, then don’t use it?

Its value is quite literally attack speed and energy regen. Of all the things to cry about Rogue, S&D aint it.

They don’t care bruh. We been saying this for months and the mongoloids still retort with “ItS nOt HaRd”


Do you not realise how much of a DPS loss it is having to maintain SnD after the GM change?
That further loss of spare GCDs impacted our DPS way more than you think.


There’s nothing hard about it whatsoever. That doesn’t change the fact that the GCD tax is a huge numerical loss.

It absolutely is. I don’t think any other spec is nearly as bloated as outlaw and the GM change made it even worse. SnD is weak. Casting it feels like a punishment than a buff.


Best way ive seen it described.

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It says something that SnD was more tolerable when it was the worst RtB buff so we could skip pressing it.

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So cut out the middle man and get rid of that first cast then.


Love that it’s mostly the toxic people that want to remove S&D because it proves a very specific point. Both people that replied to me are on my ignore list and I can’t see what they said lmao.

The point being we dont tolerate bs

aNyOnE whO dIsAgrEes wItH mE iS ToXiC Wahhhhhh! ;_;

Baby want a bottle?