Rejoice! Rework is slated for 10.2!

About time…

I’m Sick of my 2 Minute Cd getting dispell in arenas.

Assassination buff’s inbound. LETS GO!

6 years of playing this class its the worst its ever been. EVER!

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Rogue tank will never happen. I have nothing to move on from.


If you’re going to act like a child, I’ll just put you on ignore. See ya!

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All three specs play basically exactly the same, my hotbars are almost identical between the three specs as there is only a few skills different between them. Rogue 100% needs one of the specs changed to tank/heals/support/ranged dps so there is some variety.

The Mmorpg Rift had rogue tanks ( Rift: Rogue 3.0 Tank - Riftstalker - YouTube ). FFXIV had thief/ninja tanks as well. Then there were the times rogues were used to tank in WoW…
Evasion tanking makes sense as much as absorption tanking does.

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I’m seeing a pattern here.

But sure let’s make rogues tanks because some meme builds made a gimmick tank rogue spec which was completely detrimental to raid set up and wasn’t even effective.


As I’ve mentioned, my personal preference would be toward something more blanketly support-oriented, a la Aug, but, in all fairness to arguments for a Rogue tank spec, the etymology of the word “swashbuckler” literally involves the use of shields and the clamor of battle. The thought isn’t the most outrageous in the world, despite being against the grain of WoW-Rogues’ decadeslong niche (which is obviously more of “niche” these days, but that’s a separate idea for a different post altogether, mayhaps)


Me too, you’re wrong. You stated rogue tanks dont make any sense, I presented two major mmorpgs that had rogue tanks shattering your statement.

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You presented one major mmo. The other one was Rift.
And actually there doesn’t seem to be any rogue tank class in FFXIV at all? So… yeah.


Getting rid of slice and dice might just bring me back to my rogue. Fingers crossed.


Rift was a major mmorpg. If you cant even grasp that you probably shouldnt be commenting on anything game related.
[Rift (video game) - Wikipedia](

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It’s that word again!


You’re wasting your time arguing with a :clown_face:

You’re right. I am wasting my time.
Let’s just agree that rogue tank was a silly idea that no one needs, you should apologise for even suggesting it and let’s move on.


Give the spec death from above and it becomes the funniest spec to play with in WoW, remove SnD and put DFA back in the game, no exsang it sucks

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I just want every single covenant ability from Shadowlands to be purged, and sent back into the pits of hell that they spawned from. Not just for Rogue, but all classes.

None of that **** should have ever gone core. All covenant spells are :clown_face: without exception.


I feel like blizzard feels the same way that “since we dont play rogues and hate them, we dont care how much they get broken. No bug fixes”


Remove artifact abilities too while we’re at it right?

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I recently started to invest in my rogue a little more and the button bloat, taking as many passives as I could, and having to keep track of way way WAY too much nonsense would genuinely be far less stressful if they removed S&D as a finisher. Bake it into something else as one would be doing anyway, regardless of spec, as a passive and I am happy.

But then again, I’m also a garbage rogue player anyway that is so used to a particular way of playing ALL my characters and rogue as a WHOLE is the one class I cannot truly treat like the rest so I don’t know.

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Slice and Dice as a passive that increases as you spend combo points would be both flavorful and make any Rogue’s life easier