Reintroduce Downvotes

Downvoting does not the solve the problem of people abusing the flagging system. Harsher punishments for false flagging can solve the problem depending on the kind of punishments being meted out.

Yeah, i’m sure that it didn’t look great back when someone would make a thread about them trying to remove flight and then the first person to defend Blizzard would get downvoted into oblivion lol

Having said that, i think it’s all feedback and they shouldn’t be trying to shut it down and ignore it like it’s not there, i know we’re only a very small slice of the overall population but we are a part of it nonetheless.

So you would rather downvotes AND a flagging system. Thats understandable, personally I am against downvotes for reasons listed above but I know where you are coming from.

Oh for sure… but flagging is part of any forums.

Humans abusing power or using them wrong? never on any part of our history… ever.

I mean come on.

Downvotes allows them to create a clearer divide between the two systems.

As it stands now, the things that you can flag people for are so vague that unless you’re using the RL Threat flag, it’s basically impossible to actually “false flag”.


Doesn’t really have anything to do with the point I made but I do appreciate the obvious sarcasm.

OP is one sided regardless.

Nothing neutral just enforcing a worse hivemind.

I’m not sure if it’s even worth feeding this.

It actually does, a lot of people are only reporting posts because they can’t dislike them, someone saying something and then the forums community swarming them with dislikes/likes is a form of feedback, half of the feedback ability was removed so people seem to be resorting to using the report function as a pseudo dislike.

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Oh well, you claimed GD is an echo chamber… depends on the subject but yeah I guess.

Flagging wont be removed, likes should be removed and downvotes never a thing again.

I agree with this but I still don’t think downvoting would solve this issue. What they need to do is revamp the flagging system and actually tie in punishments for those people misusing it, but I don’t think it will ever happen. Why? Because to do so effectively, you would need moderators who care about their jobs and given certain other circumstances I’m sure we’ve all heard/are aware about, that doesn’t seem a likely scenario in the near future.

I don’t support bringing downvotes. It hides posts too, similar to flagging.

If downvotes don’t hide posts than I can support it.

I’ve never been of the mindset that every opinion is equal.

I think designing a system that treats it that way is stupid.

The lack of downvotes makes this easier to justify.

“Oh, we can’t moderate the forums effectively, since we’re dealing with all these posts that people flagged for “trolling” because they disagreed with it”.

This was awkward!


Downvoting isnt going to fix or change anyones mind regardless.

OP is asking for the return of the hivemind here.

Flagging wont be removed for obvious reasons… asking for a worse solution isnt the definition of actual solution regardless.

Oh, I don’t think flagging should be removed.

But if people are going to try and bury posts they disagree with either way, I’d rather we have a separate system for that instead of letting people misuse flags.

yes it was but not the worst I’ve seen.

Honeslty I blame Facebook. Does anyone know when up/downvoting even became a thing in forums?

You know what? I’ma blame Facebook anyway. Screw Facebook.

So the lack of moderation is the problem

Forgive me if I’m being ignorant but posts hardly ever get swarmed (I’m thinking > 10) with likes unless they deserve it. However, can posts get swarmed with dislikes even if they don’t deserve it? Yes. Is it fair? No. Is it a healthy form of feedback? Absolutely not. What would be a good form of feedback that would keep trolls and snowflakes at bay? Typing out your disagreement.

No, I don’t think so.

It’s unfortunate but people will abuse any sort of flagging regardless. Nothing can truly fix human nature…

Perhaps maybe not hiding the post when flagged?