Reintroduce Downvotes

this right here… is the issue.

with the current system, people don’t voice their opinion if they disagree.

they report the post, under false pretenses.

…which in turn, takes moderator attention away from posts/threads which are actually violating the CoC.

At the end of the day I do think these forums need better moderation.

Which is my extremely subtle way of saying Blizzard should make me a mod.

I would rain cleansing fire down upon this hellscape.

They should probably keep this, actually.

Posts that are actually worthy of being flagged are probably better off not being seen.

If you disagree with someone, you can simply say it.

When you get flagged without reason, it get reviewed by a Blizzard employee who may take actions (or not) against the the person flagging you.


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I’d argue what we currently have is a little more hivemind-ish, they’ve pretty much created a false positive echo chamber where you can be positive and “like” something but you’re not allowed to “dislike” it. Removing one and not the other created a lopsided system.


Are You disagreeing with me ?? Well I am going to report you for real-life threat

– Wow community in a nutshell


Upvoting and downvoting on forums long predates Facebook.

More than one thing can be a problem at a time.

But this particular problem is one that feeds itself, with mods being unable to mod effectively due to false flagging make their tools ineffective, and false flagging is more prevalent (and easier to get away with), due to the massively broadened usage of the flag system due to the lack of downvotes.

I can. But like I said earlier in the thread, discussion is far better served by a 100 post thread where everything is relevant to the discussion, compared to a 300 post thread where 200 of those posts are clowning on someone with a bad take.

Makes me wonder…

what actually upsets people that gets flagged like OP at some case (otherwise this post wouldnt even exist I think, there’s many of those out there)

if you don’t get banned what’s the deal? the “rep” system is? that you can’t post memes on answers?

Mods are unable to mod effectively because there’s not many of them and they’re not compensated well enough to actually care about their jobs. Also let’s be real here. Mods are human, same as us. Your post has as much chance of being flagged/deleted by a mod because it conflicted with their personal opinions instead of actually having violated the CoC, as has happened to posters before.

Why should there be a disparity between how easy it is to like or dislike something? Imagine an election where you had two choices, to cast your ballot for one person you just have to walk in the door of the polling booth and press a button, but if you want to vote for the other guy you need to take the stairs, go to the left and sit down and write about why you want to vote that way? lol


Nah, I’ve been banned and buried plenty of times. That doesn’t worry me.

I just miss downvotes.

I think it’s the “buried” part that makes it an issue. They can just bring it back with upvotes and downvotes next to one another. Make it so it shows both numbers like youtube and leave it at that.

No reason the post has to be buried.

Leave that up to the flag system to hide the content until mods arrives.

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I just reported OP for being a dark iron dwarf with a human head!!!

Oh ok, then that’s another story here…

You miss downvotes and move on… hmm, well there’s reddit for that if you just want to downvote and see the next thread… I’m failing to see what’s the issue here.

The system you want was removed for a good reason. People just went on downvote rampage when you see certain posters and didnt even read the thread or the issue…

Fair enough.

I’m not particularly attached to the bury system except for when posts are genuinely vile (which is what the flagging system should be for) until the mods turn up.

I do agree with having both likes and dislikes being shown though.

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I have been banned exactly one time, i told someone that they were being obtuse lol

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Simple. Because in human nature there is a natural tendency to not only register negative stimuli more readily but to also dwell on such events. It’s called the negativity bias. In shorter words, people are more likely to readily dislike something than to like it.

Should an online platform of communication allow its users to feed into this bias for no rhyme or reason? Meh, no.

Edit: I also don’t understand your analogy. Someone sensible would obviously want to vote for a person they like and agree with. What does a dislike button have anything to do with your example. If you dislike a candidate, you do not go into their booth and smash it to pieces. Again like =/= dislike.

I think turning discussion and conversation itself into some sort of game with points is just dumb.

I’ve managed to space my bans out long enough that I’ve never climbed the penalty volcano for more than a week, but I think my last ban was for calling someone dumb.

Maybe they should remove all tools due to misuse by the community.

What I’d rather see is remove all reasons for flagging/reporting posts except for threats.

Only threats.