Reinstate heirloom gear/Add paragon levels

To have an old account and having played since the beginning doesn’t really feel rewarding especially when starting a new toon.

Reinstate heirlooms to the best that they have ever been. Maybe make it to where they automatically scale to whatever the level cap is every expansion and the upgrade items can instead be used to change the quality of the heirloom gear instead.

For example, when you get a new piece of heirloom gear it starts at a white quality item and every time you upgrade it goes to green, then blue, then purple, then orange, and finally red.

Also introducing a paragon leveling system would be nice, take a page out of the remix playbook where an item grants a certain amount of stats everytime we level up our paragon level which can only happen when we level up a toon to max level.

It can be things like:

1% increase in gold gained
1% total damage increase
+10 gathering/crafting professions

It can be something that can be disabled in competitive gameplay like dungeons, raids, and bgs.

Just an idea.


red? thats not a quality ingame, and heirlooms already have their own quality separate from the normal gear qualities

They scale, yes that’s all that means right now from a power perspective they are not competitve at all. The colors that I’m referring to could be a subtext below the name of the item.

Currently i think heirloom gear falls somewhere between a leveling white and green item for that level. I’m talking about expanding the system so it could actually put some fun back into leveling for those of us who have done it a few dozen times already.

Red is a quality color that was hinted at in the original game manuel that came with vanilla wow back in the day.

Heirlooms are fine the way they are, they just need to automatically update to the max in every x.0.5 patch. Not randomly and whenever the devs remember that they exist and have the time to make new upgrader items.


Don’t know about that crafted and quest gear for the latest expansions far outshines it.

Who cares. It’s stuff that you throw on and forget about, just to have something equipped that’s not 40 levels out of date. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But it does have to exist to serve that purpose.

They can make it more fun, the system needs revision. The fact that we have to spend a fortune just to keep pace level wise is ridiculous.

Also putting in the passive experience buff back in wouldn’t hurt either.

Good news, making them auto-update as soon as expansion leveling rush is over means all upgrade widgets can be deleted forever. Everyone who bought them got their use, now get rid of the stupid things.

They really not though.

How about instead they make leveling from 1 to 70 take about 4 hours?

To the best they have ever been made them more powerful than ANY leveling gear that anyone could get ever and so they became the most powerful twinks around. It caused new and returning players to have a near 0% chance of killing them in PvP or out dpsing them in any low level dungeon and so many new players were getting vote kicked just to bring in an original player who had all the boas. You dont need to have almost double the stats of any low level player and have better gear than low level epics do. A 1,500+ HP warrior in low level WSG going up vs players who have 700 max is not okay. That is how it used to be. Then you lock your account at level 19, kill all the new players doing the PvP entry quest to WSG and then cause new players to hate PvP forever because then they learn it is not about skill it is about gear that only people playing a long time can get.

I gave up on em. No xp bonus makes em meh and i aint spending currency to upgrade em if they suck

Bring back the XP bonus, have them scale in level to the last 2 levels of the max level cap (eg. Max is 70, Heirlooms end their usefulness at level 68), or have them scale to the minimum ilvl of the first max-level normal dungeon (Giving you a point to replace them) if they go to the max level cap. Remove them from PvP to make things fair.

Regarding the pvp side of it, they solved the twinking issue by having twinks group with other twinks, this was done a while ago. For dungeons, that’s the voting issue that affects all group content where people exploit anything exploitable. Follower dungeons an answer to that.

Making heirlooms much better will only improve the game, by just being what they are in their current form they may as well not exist especially since Random Dungeon finder always gives you a leveling appropriate piece of gear.

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Lol, no. Infinite grinding was the worst part of Legion&BfA.

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It wouldn’t be infinite, there would be a hard cap of however many characters can be created per account.

So, functionally infinite, until you overflow some server number. I think I remember a staff member noticing someone with several hundred characters that had been created on one account.

The XP bonus is back, it’s just not attached to the heirloom items anymore (it’s the warband mentour achievement)

I didn’t realize that you could create more than the stated max characters per account. I’m pretty sure that was a bug that they need to address or have addressed.

You can have 65 active characters per license, 8 licenses per account. I’ve not seen a single limit on how many characters you can create.

Either way, terrible idea.