Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur


The cosmetics are the prize
The activities they do (ie scout, hunt, fight) to get the prize/s is the content.

Removal of actual content, as in activities like questlines, mage tower, ect is bad design as well as bad business.

Removal of rewards, including cosmetics, making said rewards rare and special, is fine.


It was directed at Blizzard. I was merely building off of your post.


I apologize on behalf on humanbeak him and many other players like him including myself are just a little bit frustrated and absolutely mean nothing malicious by it.

We just want our thoughts to be read by the relevant individuals.

And i thank you for your stance on this subject it means alot to me and im sure humanbeak agrees with you.


blizzard if you do not support the exchange of gold between servers, nor the sale of gold. you should really rethink this.

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Maybe to bring back the mount might be unreasonable according to them as they explained it in this post.

But at least fix the current problem of its extremely rare appearance on the BMAH.

It was said to be added to the rotation of the extremely rare mounts like the mimiron’s head within the BMAH.

And I’ve seen the Mimiron’s head show up every 2-3 weeks on some server in the US/EU regions BMAH which still makes it realistic to get.

But the Bruto mount currently is showing up once every 6-7+ months (7+ months on US realms still unseen, 6+ months on the EU realm as it showed up last month on the EU realm of hyjal) and there is no guarantee it will show up on your realm.

So with the current Numbers it will take a few years to a decade for you to get a chance to maybe bid once on your realm and if your too slow on that the Big bois like the BMAH service providers will cap it before you ( I have talked a little bit about the BMAH service providers on this other post -"Blizzards 30 MILLION Gold AH Mount | The BIG Mistake" - Studen Albatroz).

The Mount was showing up once every 2-3 weeks before they added it to the BMAH unclaimed container after which it completely bugged out I don’t know but I’m merely speculating that while adding the mount to the container some line of code got deleted purely by mistake and has yet to be fixed.

If someone from the Devs notices this then hopefully we can get our fix soon.

I also hope that more members from the Community Council can take notice of this and help push the agenda.

:sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod:

Shameless plug for fixing the BMAH in general (inspired by the bruto).

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I like this version better.

I even tried to skip to his TLDR and died of boredom 3 seconds in… luckily I was revived by a co-worker and jumped on to post this.

Sorry, as the post you mentioned says there are a lot of words to say.

Sometimes to prove a point you need to be provide as much information as possible.

I would like to hear your opinion on the matter.

I mean instead of just making the mount purchasable again why not add another mount. For instance one with an AH and Transmog NPC or something.

I was bored to death by the life story, then I was revived by a co-worker. Then I crawled to my desk and posted my experience. Now I’m dying of boredom explaining it all. For my health, I must move on.

This idea is also a good one but as blizzard posted they dont want to bring another AH mount back into the game. Because according to them no one will visit cities like stormwind/orgrimmar if AH is available is more accessible.

To which i argue why is the AH the only reason making us go back to stormwind/orgrimmar and other such older main cities why cant there be better ideas or reason for us to visit.

That’s fine friend hope you can find something that is more entertaining, also i wish you good health.

Please by all means anything related to the post is very much welcomed.

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You are very nice but man, you can suck the life out of a story.

Tbh i wish i was a better author.

If i had the talent to keep people’s attention, i would’ve probably written a book on the brutosaur by now :smiley:

:sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod:

You did my friend… you did.

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I mean nobody really goes to those cities anyway. There is no reason to unless you just like to hang out there. Everyone always is in the new city hub introduced in expansions. It’s mostly bank alts in those cities now lol.

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I agree completely its mostly a hangout spot or place for bank alts.

But that was their main reasoning for removing it.

:sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod:

I don’t buy their “AH should stay in capital cities” excuse and think they simply used that as a cashgrab scapegoat.

Unless they were flat-out were saying they didn’t learn a single thing from Garrison Auction Houses.

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I too agree the reasoning is very vague and almost sounds like a very bad excuse for something.

Its just sad that we are in a situation like this because of such a silly reasoning.

Silly reasoning and a massive nerf to the already rare appearance it made on the BMAH.

Yea its unbelievable how low the drop rates are atm.

One mount to one player out of the entire player base including US and EU every 6-7 months.