Player interest shifts over time, Gold making is one of the means with which many players stay engaged with the game.
The ‘Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur’ provides a nice carrot to those who would be willing to commit months / years even worth of time to work towards this goal (instead of churning from the game entirely)
Why not have this mount sell from a vendor on a permanent basis at 10 million gold (or 9,999,999 Gold to be precise), or as a seasonal purchase item at the aforementioned price?
As long as the ‘penalty’ for not having played/purchased the mount remains high (the penalty being that the price is double what it would’ve been if bought late BFA), there will be little complaint from players who already own it as well.
With the total number of player base / CCU slowly waning away, why remove a strong carrot? More short-term / long-term carrots like this mount, along with the Daily Tasks, will help sustain the overall CCU.
Exclusively having the mount available through the BMAH makes it nearly impossible for most players to own it anyway because of Gold farm services (on top of the fact that 99% would not have 9,999,999 Gold to begin with - but why antagonize your most dedicated players?), which I suppose was the goal anyway - but if you’re serious about driving away cash purchase communities associated with WoW, this would be one of the steps toward that goal.
I think they should just add it back for 5m for a very limited time each year. Say, 1 week out of the year where you can buy it, then it goes back away for another year.
Few games practice this permanent removal crap. Even in ESO their limited time store mounts come back every so often for a short time.
I would absolutely love to see the brutosaur mount back on the vendor(s). But Blizzard has stated their reason for removing the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the vendor was because they didn’t want to see an AH mount become common. So we’ll never see the MCB anywhere but the BMAH (if there).
However, that still leaves the option of a different brutosaur to be purchasable from vendors, so as long as we can’t have the MCB, I’m advocating for a second brutosaur mount to be made available. Since it can’t have an AH, it should either have something like a mailbox, or be offered for much less than 5 mil.
As much as I’d love to see the bruto back on the vendor, I think a high number of us were OK (not thrilled, but fine) with Blizzard saying they were moving the Bruto to the BMAH. The expectation was that it’d show up like any other item.
What we got instead is something that is supposedly on the BMAH, but doesn’t show up for over half a year+ at a time. That’s very disingenuous of Blizzard to do something like that.
If the Bruto’s appearance rate wasn’t nerfed into the core of the Earth and showed up like it used to (which was every couple weeks), there’d be fewer complaints IMO.
That doesn’t address the issues with BMAH as a whole though, but it’s just one thing to consider.
Makes no sense to not have it 100% of the time then. Either it is a limited run mount like it currently is with only other availability from the BMAH or it returns to a normal mount people buy. I do not care if it changes or not but having it come back 1 week every year as suggested seems silly.
What about putting it on the future BFA timewalking vendor for gold cap?
Yes, I know I know “it should just be up all year in that case”, but it at least maintains some weird shred of “limited time” that surrounded the mount initially, and could make some people happy
You’re not being penalized. You’re not going to get it even if it shows up on the BMAH. They’re highly unlikely to increase the frequency with which it appears on the BMAH. And it’s never coming back to a regular vendor.
I also want the spectral tiger. And the Moose Aotc mount from WOD.
I completely agree everyone should have AH access. Would love a toy on a one hour cd everyone can have. But no need to bring back everything.
There is no indication that it is currently available on the BMAH. And in any case, even if it did come up in rotation monthly, that’s 12 people a year who could buy it. In the entire game.
This is the official response regarding the mount. Given their reasoning, I doubt they will change their minds. Of course, nothing is certain in this game but I can sort of understand what they are saying. Its a big thing, the biggest mount in pure height of any in the game, and if they were permanently put back in, and considering how much gold people can raise, the game could become incredibly littered with them. Imagine a hundred of them sitting next to a mail box or some other popular location…
I think a better idea would be to create some form of toy that provided access to an auction Blingtron for a limited amount of time. If you could call it up and have it stick around for say, 10 minutes every hour, that would provide auction assessibility to everyone and not create a visual issue.