Reins of the Amber Pterrordax Unlearnable

I purchased the Reins of the Amber Pterrodax in Mist of Pandaria Remix and it gives me the message; “Spell is not available to you” when I try to learn it. Refunding the mount and repurchasing it does nothing to assist to fix the issue.


also here to bump this issue, had it happen as well with my Time runner, only mount to do that so far

Bumping because I also ran into this issue with my Timerunner as well. So far, 8 other mounts have been learned just fine, including the other Pterrodax.

Also ran into this issue

Samesies here

yup says “spell not available to you” when i try to learn the mount from my inventory/

This is still an issue

ditto for me

Same thing happened to me. Blizz, please fix this issue/bug ASAP.

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tried again at lvl 70 still nope

Also having this issue- the Amber Pterrodax was the only one I really liked out of those ones too!

Is Blizzard having issues with mounts that have the word “Amber” in their name? Recalling the issue with the Amber Skitterfly from the Trading post

Alliance @ Level 70 - Purchasing in Kun-Lai - Unable to learn Reins of the Amber Pterrordax

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Confirming this is still an issue.
Blizzard on a roll making us do all the bug testing for 'em lmao.

Same issue just now

same issue

same issue for me

Was able to learn all of the new remix exclusive mounts except for this one.

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same issue

Bumping to say another day that the spell is not available to me =(

Still not working

Hoping this is fixed on Tuesday, my spirits were high for this event until I was hit with this bug.

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