Reins of the Amber Pterrordax Unlearnable

Same for me. I bought it on both factions and neither character could learn it.
Zandalari DK level 70.
Void Elf Warrior level 52

Bumped. Can’t learn this mount!

I also can’t learn it. I have all other mounts available in timerunning and this one is the only one with an issue.

Ironically, this was the very last mount for me to collect, all the rest, learned fine. I was stoked to complete the collection and… nope.

Bump because the bug is still around. Cannot learn the mount at lvl70

Still a problem

I’ve also encountered this issue.

Still broken as of 5/20/2024. Hopefully it will be fixed with tomorrows reset.

still broken

Bumping because samsies, I just wanna hit 500 mounts

Sadly I can’t either. Seems no one can atm.

Same here, also having this issue.

It seems to be working now. I’ve just learned it on the same toon that was trying to buy previously.

(Edit: Added as an unannounced hotfix - WoWHead - Amber Pterrordax Mount fix )