Region-Wide AH in 9.2.7

Idk If I like this. Is it really coming or just speculation? There’s an over-abundance of just about every raw materiel in this game already. They really need to make gathering nodes 100x less common. No reason there should be 100,000+ of one herb on the AH. it’s just plain stupid.

As far as other sellable stuff goes I haven’t been able to make gold off much from the AH in years. it’s undercut city. I loved the old AH a lot more.

Think through that.

At the moment there are 4,060,009 Lightless Silk on the regional AH (at whatever individual unit price they would go for, so multiply that by the unit price) plus whatever the AH charges would amount to. How many people could buy all those up, even assuming they could catch them all in one purchase? And how many people could buy more than one consumable like that? And even if by some miracle they could, imagine selling that many of an item. You’d be playing a week just to get them on the AH.

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which is why I said “to START banning addons”, not “to ban addons”

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I misread. Sorry!

My only excuse was there have been a few “it’s time to ban addons” threads lately and I guess my brain skipped words.


NP, I try to be deliberate in how I phrase things, but do understand how it was misread

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There’s a decent chance it will be easier for players like Human to profit, while making it harder for the average player to make decent gold on the AH.

It will be fine. Yes, there will be a sudden skyrocket in price at the beginning, but that is to clear out all the suckers that will panic buy. Eventually the market settles.

Basically means goblins can not control a market woot!

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I think it’s a good thing, everything will balance out

The price of commodities will drop, which will make crafting professions more profitable. If there’s already a handful of goblins running those markets on your server, it’s likely they’ll just make even more gold after this change.

And if commodities are your bread and butter, you may have an even harder time selling your goods, or making decent gold.

I dunno, hope I’m wrong, but most goblins I know don’t bother with farming. The money is in crafting, and since that’s still being restricted to server groups, goblins stand to gain more than your average joe.


Only thing I see is it will be harder to sell things with more people undercutting.

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If the consumables are that expensive on your realm, then spend a few minutes a day farming materials and sell those.

If the materials are all ready cheap, but consumables are not, then nothing will change on your realm.

Consumables will be since that will be part of of the region-wide AH.

If I can get the mats for cheap I’ll craft for myself. It’s a problem when a goblin pumps up the mats market.

Prices will be marked up by snipers and those that were on smaller market low pop realms, with less gold as a result, will find themselves poorer in no time.

You just summed it up perfectly.

My profits will go up since mats will get cheaper, and of course it’s far more profitable to just buy mats instead of gathering them.

Joe schmoe who sells 200 herbs a day is going to find they’ll be lucky to sell 2 now. They’ll suffer while I laugh all the way to the bank.

This is a terrible change overall.

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The fact that anyone can corner a market (buy out everything and relist to reset) … is more indicative of a small server problem than an eco problem.

That being said you could always just farm some of the resources, and sell them when that person resets.

Or you know, Blizzard can just make that against the ToS - market manipulation. It is probably the same 5-10 people per realm.

The actual fix for this is to connect more realms. But we get region-wide botting as a solution instead.

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It is obvious how this will go.

You only need to really look at a high pop realm like Illidan to see.

Materials will drop to laughably low levels. Callous hide being < 0.5g - some of the rarer ones being 2-5g average.

So all gathering materials will all tank to < 1g, save for the “rare” blue/green ones (think lightless silk, protofiber). Since those are farmable, they will probably tank quite a bit too.

This will force Blizzard to rely more on “really rare” mats like progenitor essentia/korthite crystal… and if they screw up the drop-rates it will become a region-wide problem (goblins resetting the markets). So Blizz will have to step in on tweak drop rates far more often.

You can also expect a lot more orboreal shard like vendor mats in the 50-200g range. Meaning crafting/selling will be a lot less player driven, and more just “floors set by crafting reagent vendor costs”.

Oh you can expect a lot more crafts requiring multiple stacks of materials too.

This is literally the authenticator problem all over again. Blizzard finally recognizes a problem, but then applies the most absurd solution imaginable to it.

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I’m not farming. That’s the most boring thing in the world. I’d quit wow before I made it routine to farm herbs or ore.