Regarding the july 23 patch

I would personally just ignore their replies, they are simply a disagreeable person with nothing better to do than talk negatively to others online.

They literally said the questline has nothing to do with the event earlier in the thread, and now are like “haha you’re dumb if you didn’t know they were connected all along”.

They have nothing of value to contribute.
See below.

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They arent connected and dont have anything to do with each other apart from being in the prepatch.

You dont need to do the event to do the questline.
You dont need to do the questline to do the event.

The questline is the epilogue of dragonflight that sets up AWW, as directly after it, we go to dalaran which heads to khaz algar. This happens in AWW since people need to be explicitly told on these forums like children.

The event is literally just something that exists. Thats it.

So let me get this straight. I paid nearly 100 bucks for the expansion, and I’m being forced to do some questline that I don’t want to do to access the questline for the prepatch?

That’s what we’re going with?

If you think this is supposed to let you bypass new content, you’re wrong.

It’s a two part chain quest, as much as people seem to not get that. It was spaced out, for some reason, between 10.2.7 and the prepatch.

Personally? It should have all be together, but its likely yall would then complain that the whole questline in 10.2.7 was instead in the prepatch, or that all of the questline was in the prepatch and all 10.2.7 had was the S4 content.

If they had to deal with whining either way, spacing it out was likely the better option.

You paying any amount of money has Zero to do with that, you were able to do these quest lines without buying AWW, and likely would have not had to do them in order to do Khaz’Algar content.

However I’d imagine then you’d be complaining on why magni was frozen in a death animation. Either way, you specifically were likely to be here complaining no matter what.