Regarding the fake "Leak" on MMO-C

tltr, wow this is long

To hire new people, they will need to do something radical. It’s called hiring people who are capable and have the talent, rather than playing at nepotism such as what happened when Vivendi sold them to Activision.

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we need ogres. YES.
Merge faction. NO.


What leak? Most leaks are fake.

LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAH fake beyond fake. It’s sadisticly fake.

It’s a hoax. 0% chance it’s real.

Stopped reading at your first point. That is a deal breaker for me.

You have to merge them in a way like mercenary mode.

That’s it. Other wise no.

Stop trying to homogenize the game into every other mmo.

I want more incentives for alliance though. Like balancing the racials.


I think it would be exciting to have a revitalized game world with a new engine, but OP is right about our characters. People have put years into them, they would have to transfer over in some way. Also, it’s pretty typical for WoW players to become upset about change of any kind, I would let them screech up a storm if I knew the product would be better.

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Im not saying that they shouldnt see how other games succeed, but there is no way they would suggest out loud that they were taking things from other games. Aside from copyright issues, it would be seen as “we cant do it right so we have to copy other games” and they would never do that, it would be bad for business. You can watch how other games perform, or how their people interact with their customers or how they run their business generally - but to say “Final Fantasy has housing, lets do it like them” well, they might say it in whispers in private meetings but in general discussion, unlikely.

They dont need to copy other games, they need to innovate, and for that they need innovaters, not copyists.

It depends on what yardstick you use. There are certain MMO-style games that have done well - Minecraft, Among Us, and so on. If you look at how often games are googled, Final Fantasy 14 for example doesnt even appear in the top 19 games as at January this year. Nor does WoW for that matter. People aren’t searching for MMOs, they are searching for a different style of game that meets their gaming needs. While those searches dont guarantee income, they certainly indicate interest.

For the love of-

What happened this time?

Edit: Ah, a fake leak. WoW 2 isn’t happening, if anything it would be dead on arrival because the same absolute morons that made WoD>SL are the people in charge now.

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It’s a combination of the two, you always have to watch what your competitors are doing to see what they’re doing better. No, you don’t directly copy competitors, but you can take what they are doing well and make it your own.

All of it?

A business does not abandon an IP; temporary bad press and unpopularity is irrelevant.

what leak? im out in the dark here on this one.

What?! :rofl:

Re-added to the core original post.

Some people don’t know the difference between Classic, and vanilla WoW.


For the love of god can a CM please post this is false I do not wanna hear about this “leak” for the next half a year waiting for an official announcement I am begging. Will cash app you 20$.

Bro, some of you need to learn brevity. I automatically don’t read anything over a paragraph.

Just saw Kainas’s extensive edits to the original post.

I wanted to say… I feel the kind of caring and emotional investment demonstrated here by a member of the playerbase should be the most priceless asset the internal WoW team has, outside of each other.

I perhaps don’t agree with every point Kainas has made here. We can agree to disagree and still be polite.

But I appreciate the passion on display, and I hope the WoW team sees this thread, and they see that caring too.


I don’t even know what you are all talking about

Link plz

I don’t think they know how venture capitalism works. The goal is not to make a company to make a product. The company is the product…not the widgets its makes.

Flips that on first good buy offer and on to the next one.

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