Regarding slavery practices on the Horde

Considering we have no examples of slavery from the Alliance since the launch of Vanilla WoW and a plethora of examples from the Horde.

Not that I like defending Humans but since the human part was reduced to just Stormwind until BfA? Yeah.

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I am not saying that is what is happening. I am saying that Zerde’s opinion of what might happen would basically be that.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think that is what is happening and I don’t buy into faction bias. I do think Blizzard sometimes doesn’t exactly know what they are doing with the factions or that sometimes poor planning leads to imbalance but I don’t think Blizzard ever intentionally sets out to be bias. I tend to roll my eyes when people on either side of the fence start shouting bias.

I believe Blizzard genuinely thinks the story they are giving the horde is awesome and what horde players want and in fairness there seems to be horde players who eat it up. Likewise they are doing the same for the alliance. I do think the way they have done their writing narratively harms both sides though. Part of my original point was that very fact. The more villainous the horde is, the more stupid the Alliance looks when not only they accept some scapegoat as a sacrificial lamb but let the rest of the Horde off scot free, particularly when the Horde seems to have a bad habit of repeating these actions and the Horde will get off scot free because if it doesn’t Blizzard risks antagonising the entire Horde playerbase and they like our money.

Its the whole ‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’. The more villainous the Horde is painted the worse the Alliance also ends up looking but for different reasons.


I thought the death camps were removed?

Thats normal, the forsaken only care about their free will, everyone else’s can jump in a lake- they’re total hypocrites, but thats why we love them.

That was the old Alliance, saying that is akin to blaming the current horde for the draenei genocide.

Also it was that OR killing them to the last woman and child sooooo…

Also x2 that was the humans from Lordaeron, SW is on the other side of the continent- take it up with the forsaken if you have any complains about the camps.


Are the Dark Irons still super into slavery?

Also, didn’t the Alliance have a goblin slave in Gogrond?

That was the plot of Cataclysm through Siege of Orgrimmar, and that has been the plot of BfA. If we can’t discuss either point we’d have to be working pretty hard to look the other way and pretend this isn’t the case.

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Who knows. It might be considered to dark for the Dark Irons to keep practicing now that they’re an allied race. Because reasons.

Or if they are they’ll say their just outcasts clinging to the old Dark Iron before Moira took over.

But already have the Dark Irons burning shop keeps alive in Dazar’alor as the new “BuT MUh TaURaJO” so…

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Just to clarify. I made this thread to point out some canon lore event (enslavement of a non-mongrel race) mostly to help out the “Does the Horde ever practiced, or currently practice slavery”. I’m not denying Dark Iron practices, i’m not claiming any moral highground or anything of that matter.

What does grind my gears when i lurk through Story Forums is that some posters, either in bad faith or because faction bias, try to deny the facts we have about this game’s lore - in this case, slavery, either by shouting

a) this is not canon

b) you’re actually the same

c) you’re worse than us

d) Blizz writing sucks (as if didn’t suck across the board)

e) Putting out excuses

All of this i think muddy up the discussion and set everyone on a poor mood which fosters personal attacks or nastiness across “the other”

Something worth considering right?


No they didn’t.

Thrall’s Horde sold Valeera Sanguinar into Slavery for Pickpocketing a talisman from a Shaman.

" I’ve waited a long time for this, Thrall. For every time I was thrown into one of your damned arenas… for every time I killed a [green-skinned aberration] like you… I could only think of one thing… What [our world] could be without you and your twisted [Horde]… It ends now, Warchief." -King Varian Wrynn, Former Slave of the Horde.

Not to mention you can find Horde NPCs with titles like Slavedriver. Most notably Forsaken Slavedriver and Enslaved Villager.


So what you’re saying is…everyone on Azeroth loves slavery.

I mean given the real life time frame equivalent that WoW is very loosely based around? So did we at that time.

There’s a quest in Durotar where an Orc has you fight his Taunka, Vrykul and Naga slave. So yes, the Horde does seem to still practice slavery.

Would have made so much more sense to enslave the Kaldorei rather than burn them and their tree down.


I think there are Kaldorei being forced to mine somewhere in the Warfront… but I’m not married to that, could easily be a misconception on my part.

Eh, Spiketooth’s gladiators were less Horde than Ashevane’s open child slavery operation was Alliance. Sort of on the edge of the faction, but not officially sanctioned.

Hobgoblins are just meat golems.

Open Child labor, yes. Child Slavery? No. At no point were those children described as being owned by Ashvane, or as property. They’d been lured there under the pretense of better conditions than living on the streets, only to learn the grueling work was not worth it.

To my knowledge those children were not bought and sold at some market or anything.

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Hobgoblins are Alchemically altered goblins. Goblins who have been chemically made mentally handicapped, obedient, and strong, for the purpose of cheap/free physical labor.

Exactly. It’s a meat golem. Grown in a vat. That uses a goblin for mats.

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Ok, so you’d say they were different than the child slaves the Alliance had at the Strongarm Airstrip?

Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property.”

The fact the Pandaren who had volunteered to aid the Alliance had been kept against their will does not automatically make them Slaves. They were not property.

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What do you call it when the Alliance keeps people against their will and forces them to do hard labor without pay?

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