Regarding Ectoplasmic Distiller

Look regardless how you feel about the item Blizzard owe it to us to explain two things. Firstly, was this item bugged or was the pulsing threat actually Blizz-like. Secondly, if the item was working as intended (aka Blizz-like), as it had in vanilla WoW, then why was it changed? Blizzard owes us the answers to these questions.

would you say changes like layering, lotus spawns, pvp queues, terrain fixes, instance caps, reck bomb nerfing, cross layer buffs and now item hotfixes are moving away from directly vanilla?

I also want “warts and all” vanilla and think they shouldn’t be doing silent patches on anything! However, if they want to allow changes to anything they should look at everything that is not in the spirit of vanilla and not just bounce between whatever PR jargon they chose to use in their blue post

Prove to me it worked that way in vanilla, I keep seeing all these replies but no one has factually given evidence that this was how it was in vanilla, just that it was bugged in classic and fixed and no on like the fact they could no longer abuse a clearly broken mechanic.

Reck was not nerfed it works exactly as it does in 1.12 vanilla there is literally threads upon threads with links to Bacon’s original guide as well as dozens of archives validating that.

well with it “fixed” it now can take up buff slots for each person dropping it, so you could have 32 people drop one each and boom anyone nearby loses all their buffs, this also works for ANY PLAYER even with PVP flag OFF…

Absolutely broken beyond belief now, put it back how it was in vanilla and we’re all good. right now it can be abused to wipe everyones buffs when entering raids, its not even dispells just forcing people over the buff cap every 1.5s. this includes flasks and dragonslayer and other buffs that can’t be “dispelled” and just wipes everything…

It was much better when it was just the one buff regardless of how many were down by different players.

It’s not concerning at all. People like you are making a disingenuous argument. One simple fact destroys what you’re trying to propose. How many players ever used extoplasmic distiller back in the day compared to the total population of players? How many even knew about it? Less than .05% of players at the time. Most players back then never set foot in naxx or aq. Considering this and how meta gaming has changed since then, the change is absolutely warranted and makes sense.

It’s mind boggling to me that players like you want to trivialize easy content even further.


this is the easiest source that this mechanic worked like this before classic and was used in vanilla.
There are other online sources but unfortunately they are locked behind 15 year old forums that need account access. However, the mechanic was known about long before phase 5 and there is at least one top guild that rolled horde knowing this item would help them to equalise the threat advantage that alliance tanks have

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That is literally not even remotely evidence of anything, its some random people anonymous saying that’s how it was with zero credible evidence.

You think by chance more than a handful of players knew about this item and immediately tested it the day it came out?

3 years ago that person predicted the future state of classic? Distiller was known by some, the only issue was it was not known by the masses before it came out.

or you know…it was a documented thing in 1.9 and this is 1.12.

Didn’t even bother to fact check it did you.

the distiller was not available until patch 1.10. The redditor talks about using it in Naxx which is 1.12

Well there isn’t any mention of the Ectoplasmic Distiller anywhere in the documented patches from patch 1.10 to patch 2.4.3
And if you were to look up for changes on threat, the only notable things outside of changes on how much threat an ability does/remove are:

  • patch 1.12.0: Lieutenant General Andorov’s Aura of Command should no longer generate threat. This will hopefully prevent him from pulling aggro on the entire wave, leading to his untimely death.
  • patch 2.0.10: The threat generated from the spell effect on [Thunderfury] has been substantially reduced.
  • patch 2.1.0: Flask of Petrification can no longer be turned off during its duration, but it now will clear all threat from all monsters for the duration of the effect. Though monsters may reacquire you after the effect ends.
    (that’s an all other can of worm)
  • patch 2.4.3: Vanish now correctly wipes threat on Kil’jaeden.

Edit to add that, if it was as simple as “it was like this in 1.12” we would already have an answer, right now there’s probably some PR validation process that needs to be done I’m guessing

Sure, every tank can hold threat well enough, but once you get to the speedclear/parse meta, which everyone likes to emulate, then threat becomes a bigger issue. Especially threat that generates at the very start of a fight. If a tank can generate 8000 or 5333 Threat the instant the boss pulls, then DPS can unleash everything they have on the boss from second 1. Even if it’s just a very low-end case of an extra 700 Threat on pull, it’s still very valuable to DPS. Any high-end raider will tell you that uptime is one of the most important elements of parsing, and if fights are less than 30 seconds in duration, then being able to do damage when you otherwise couldn’t - even for just a single second - can be a big difference.

Here’s some possible ways Ectoplasmic Distiller could be used on every AQ40 boss -

  1. If Skeram’s Earth Shocks can be partially resisted with Nature Resistance, you can combine the Distiller with maximum Nature Resistance and Shield Wall to potentially rush down the boss, since threat wouldn’t be an issue. The threat should apply to all the copies, so the copies will be Earth Shocking only the maintank from afar. Depending on how fast you could burn the boss (he really doesn’t have that much HP), if you can force the boss to move to the Distiller by having some Warriors or Druids Taunt him to force him into a new position, and if 6 clones Earth Shocking and Mind Controlling is too much to handle that you have to kill some of them (they can be forced to get into cleave position by using Taunts). This is a bit far-fetched, but I could see it being possible.
  2. For Bug Trio, probably can’t be used. Probably too hard to tank all three at once even with Shield Wall, and the 100% threat drops are probably too much for the Distiller to keep up with. But if you were to ever attempt a single tank strategy on Bug Trio, Distiller would be the sole enabler.
  3. Could be very helpful for Sartura if tanks can gear up in maximum physical damage reduction and tank Whirlwinds (in order to keep her in place with Taunt rotations) without compromising threat, due to Distiller. Could also help to keep the adds gathered, but might be overkill for the adds.
  4. Best use is for Fankriss, the adds will always go to a consistent target and the increased threat generation encourages DPS to burn the boss down before Mortal Wound stacks too high. Even if you have to tank swap, it should be made even easier by having two tanks drop a Distiller - you wouldn’t have to worry much about the OT generating threat since both tanks will have immense passive threat generation.
  5. Tank setups and threat don’t really matter for Viscidus - as long as one person can take the damage, you’re fine.
  6. Also good for Princess Huhuran, since the extra threat and the already-present player stack are a big help in the 0 NR soaker strat; the boss will die much faster with the extra threat increase on tanks, which means the raid will take less damage.
  7. Not useful for Twin Emperors, unless you dance around the Distiller so it’s generating a controlled amount of threat so that the tank who used it doesn’t outpace the other one. Probably too complex to handle for most raids and too volatile to be worthwhile.
  8. Good for Ouro, since the scarabs will pop up and go directly to the Distiller user without having to worry about them going after healers. The raid wants to be stacked near the end of a Burrow so Ouro has a consistent position, so it plays right into Distiller. If threat resets after a burrow, then it’ll be a big help in getting threat back for maximum DPS. If it doesn’t reset after a burrow or even continues to generate during burrow, then tanks can generate essentially infinite threat using Distillers during burrow.
  9. Not useful for C’thun unless you can have all of the Mind Flays from Eye Tentacles target a specific player using the Distiller - you could perhaps outright ignore the Eye Tentacles if you have a dedicated soaker for them with maximum Shadow Resistance to fully resist all of the Mind Flays. This is very unlikely, though.

Furthermore, I think the main reason Blizzard nerfed this item is because people could lock themselves out of it before they realized how good it actually was - and if it can truly be gamed for over 5000 threat on pull using summonables, it could legitimately cause that tank to be benched or be forced to make an entirely new character in high-end situations.

You’re reading the bastardization patch notes posted on the wiki’s aren’t you.

world buffs


If you want to call all the wowwiki patch note logs that are copy pastas of the official patch notes on wayback machine bastardized then sure I’m not gonna change your mind
If you share with me a way to see all documented and undocumented changes through patch 1.10 to 2.4.3 I’ll be happy to look again (or you know look it up yourself since you have more knowledge than I do ^^)

Right now as far as I’m aware, there is no documented changes on that item

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Well if you actually looked up the archives of all patch notes and hot fixes you would know there is a good chunk of information missing from all those wiki’s but you do you.

So please share your perfect patch notes that says this was patched in original wow. I’ve got quite a few people that used it in naxx that would disagree with you.

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