Regarding Devs Still On Twitter

So, I’ve been on this topic for a while now. Several months, if not longer. Now that the world is seeing what kind of a person the Twitter owner truly is, the use of his site is starting to be banned. Even the (retail) WoW subreddit has banned the linking to his site.

Can this please be the final push to get devs off third party sites, and onto these forums to discuss the game? No Twitter, no Discord, no bluesky. Just use these forums which they have moderation of. Out in the open, for all the game’s players able to see it without needing an account or access determined by someone without Blizzard authority. Please return to these forums and be users of them, not just data collectors (being generous).


God I’d love it. I’m only on Twitter to follow 2 WoW Devs (I think one of them actually has Blue Sky and swapped now?)

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How do people keep track of their safe spaces?


Wait what kind of person is the owner?

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The word is banned on these forums, but it rhymes with Yahtzee.

if those devs had brain and got their butts off twitter, we would see actual changes like nerfs to hunter/priests/shaman/balance.

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It always felt very strange that we literally have an official Blizzard forum and yet none of the devs use it, instead opting to use personal twitter pages to communicate with the playerbase

having to browse a 3rd party social media site to find information about the game is a really, really bad look


I remember the days when a random blue poster would jump into a random conversation on the forums. Bring that back.

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Devs are on those social media websites because they get way more eyes to see their content. Furthermore, websites like X have way better tools and data for engagement metrics and other useful information to tell the devs and marketers how well they are doing in reaching people. Frankly, if WOW were made today, this forum probably wouldn’t even exist, but the small YET devoted user base here keeps this place going. So, no, I would not advise them to leave any social media, especially one as popular as X unless they want to reduce their reach.


Youre wrong.

It doesnt say anywhere on blizzards websites to go lookup devs on x or bluesky to get updates or post feedback.
It also makes no sense for game related discussions to be done on 3rd party websites when theres a forum dedicated for it.

Also if reach is your problem, you can always use those 3rd party sites to post a link to a forum discussion to drive traffic to it.

The way things are currently makes no sense, the feedback loop is nonexistant.


I’m not sure what I am “wrong” about.

I never said anything about any of this. Nothing about updates, or feedback. I only explained that devs commonly use social media websites because they get far more eyes and engagement through them, and those social media websites give data on how those posts did, allowing them to make better and better posts in the future.

It’s simple math, really. If I was a casual gamer looking up cooking videos on Instagram, the algorithm might slip in some wow news that I then click to. None of this happens on the wow forums. I have to explicitly be searching for WOW on a search engine and decide the wow forum over anywhere else on the internet is the best place to look. So it is in the best interest of the company and game to have devs and other people working on WOW to be present on as many public platforms as possible instead of a single place. Diversify your marketing portfolio, in a sense.

This implies the said devs and marketers care to drive any traffic to the forums. You are assuming an art director or combat designer cares at all how the forums do.

I’m not entirely sure what this means, but my understanding is that you want a higher amount of engagement on this website by the devs, especially when compared to what you see on other websites. You and others are going unheard, in a sense, I think. On some level I agree with the sentiment because I remember what 20 years ago was like, when you had more frank posts from people like Ghostcrawler and GMs. But this company is not really doing anything different from what most of tech has done in the last 10 years or so. To be more specific, you have had a worldwide effort by most companies to automate and streamline virtually all communication with customers. AI chat bots, automated responses, and tutorials have replaced human conversation. What I am getting at is that all human communication with companies, not just Blizzard, has dropped like a rock over the years.

It is strange they don’t use the forums. And Kaivax acts like a form letter.

I doubt they’ll be tweeting anymore though. Much like Reddit subs patting themselves on the back for banning links there, no way Blizz would use his platform.

So Blue whatever it is. Or just…nothing.

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Wait, so you dont mind if people still buy his cars making him even richer, you only care if wow devs are using twitter.

Your a generational hero my friend

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he’s an African American.


You inferred that from what, exactly?

“Erm, EVEN the le heckin SUBREDDIT banned the links to the site11!”

What’s your point


Got dang can’t even play video games anymore because all the communities consist of is a bunch of pretend political activists.
Thinking this makes some kind of difference in the world or our country but do nothing for your neighbors or your communities. It’s actually pitiful video games are supposed to be exempt from the real world for the most part but of course the gamer community is just as soft as everybody else.


Im not sure where you learned that video games are exempt from politics but thats largely not true and if you believe so you must not look very deeply into plot or characters in games.

It does matter to fight on all fronts else we become complacent and allow footholds for hate to fester and grow

Not only that, but also this topic isn’t about playing video games. It’s about communication from the team working on that video game.

I’m willing to bet 80% of everybody on this post is terminally online. Go protest, write letters to your senators and councilman. Fake pretending like you’re making a difference in the world with this is actually pitiful.