I promise you things like this are only gonna continue to cause more people to vote Conservative again in the next 4 years.
Holy based I love Zirene now!?!?!?
Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist…
smh, you people need to separate politics, and gaming, my god yall need help
Inb4 ISPs and Blizz disagree about something and we get dial up speeds for WoW #ripnetneutrality
Hard to separate politics and gaming then unless you’re a real bro playin that N64
Its quite easy, there is no left/right in Azeroth.
Again, for the people who are lacking understanding. This is about communication with the makers of the game, not playing the game. Try to understand the topic before inserting yourself in the conversation.
have you read these forums? if i was a blizzard dev i wouldn’t want to look much less post here either
lift the social contract, then.
unsure what removing the ToS would do…
You’re trying to argue that the site they moderate is somehow worse to post on and read than a site that is owned by that person?
Any failures of the Blizzard forums are failures of Blizzard itself. The developers declining to communicate here is the primary reason it’s not better.
And he plays Yahtzee.
It’s about reach and impressions/clicks.
Twitter has more engagement than the forums or Bnet. Therefore the best option to reach the wider audience in terms of announcements is the place with more engagement.
In terms of linking to posts on their website via Twitter; working in SEO has shown me that people do not often choose to click off-site links.
To the topic at hand:
If the metrics for engagement change, then they will leave twitter for somewhere else with higher engagement. So if enough people leave twitter, that also play WoW/go to twitter for updates, engagement on their WoW posts goes down and they would likely start posting on whatever site offered the better engagement.
And has AI play Diablo for him while providing satellite communications for flood victims and shooting convertibles into space… Quite the dance card…
Devs have personal accounts on Bluesky, the official accounts pretty much only link the news posts/forum threads.
Can’t force them to use forums for their personal account can you? If they want to discuss about the game on their own account it’s their choice.
I hate Twitter, don’t have it.
Twitter must be steamrolled.
it’d allow us to speak freely, and call the sandbags out as we see them without fear of oppression.
great question. Glad I could answer it.
Didn’t Aggrend leave some post about going to Bluesky but then when he went he rarely posted and barely got like 30 likes outside of his animal pictures?
Feels like we’ve lost most communication with SoD.
Are we supposed to care about likes on developer communication posts? It seems you’re implying they’ll only communicate about the game if their egos are properly stroked when doing so?
No. Likes dictate the amount of interests possible on a post when it appears in a feed and people will respond to it if it’s positive.
Would you prefer I said comments? Comments were normally less than likes.
Engagement is also what this shows. That’s it.
Go back to earlier Twitter/X engagement and you will see it was way higher in the past but since he left said place to go to another, instead of Forums, his new location seems to be getting less engagement.
Hope that clears it up.
I, personally, would prefer they handle all communication through these forums.