Regarding addons on classic

but for real.

Here is the thing.

70% of the player base has played in a world with dbm/bigwigs. They will want it.

Also classic isnt vanilla. The mentality of the modern raidet is different so you can’t use the same.

Do you need those addons in classic. Of course not. The fights are easier than most normal world elites in bfa. However the majority of players now will use them.

took long enough for some empirical data show up

I’d argue giving the players what they want is exactly why wow is what it is today.

To each their own.

the very best feature in vanilla was, what people cried for in forums didn’t get answered, the game sunk after they start listening the complains,

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So back in vanilla. Addons actually did a lot more and automated a lot more compared to dbm/bigwigs.

So even having them it would be not ad automated.

I’ve kind of done a 180 on addons, #nochanges blah blah. Then I was like. Why do I need this convenience. To make things easier, to things faster, to make things convenient.

That’s all well and good, but the movement (and it was a movement) to get Blizzard to release vanilla was (or so I thought) because we weren’t happy with retail. We weren’t happy with all the conveniences. The game skips over the journey and hits you right with reward.

Blizzard is going to release classic with full addon support. That’s fine, I just don’t understand the outcry. If Blizzard said no addons for phase 1, I feel like that there would be an outcry when the community should see it as a good thing. Sometimes you have to make due with what you have.

and they should promptly deny every single request to port ANY feature from retail to classic, this is for all intent and purpose vanilla, if they can keep the ingame bugs(wall walking, skills not working, etc) they should block all and any addon not correspondent from the time period

And they should re-open any and all blocked functionality they used to have, right? Like me being able to auto-target the person with the lowest HP and then hit my one heal button that chose the literal most efficient hp-to-mana heal spell necessary?

i mean, if that is what needed you to heal amazing bro, you do you, i know real healers and didnt use that healbot, but im guessing that EVEN you doing one heal macro, STILL people would blow up in groups, not switch target, and not dps correctly not to say move out of fire and stuff… getting feared and so on…so yeah, im fine with healers needing training wheels, its better on role be the handicap than the entire raid

Again, I’m very aware lol But you said it yourself. “messed up an easily avoidable mechanic.” It’s easily avoidable. You shouldn’t need an addon to tell you to avoid something that is in and of itself easily avoidable. But clearly my point has soared over your head and I apologize for my presentation in not being clear.

So I’ll reiterate a final time - if the addon existed in vanilla - it should exist in classic. If it didn’t exist in vanilla, it shouldn’t exist in Classic. It is that simple, and profoundly difficult to misinterpret now.

Also, for future reference, the forums and community has more than enough toxicity. I’m sure you can learn how to state your opinion without being toxic.

‘You suck and we’d have kicked you from the raid.’ x’D Especially since I did play through this time, from December 4th, 2004 to present. There’s this interesting thing where if you respond decently to people, they’ll respond decently to you.

But I digress. Regardless, we all are together eagerly awaiting Classic. So I hope you have a good day :heart:

Except that’s not how add ons work. Add ons didn’t exist in vanilla nor were they provided by blizzard, a scripting API existed in vanilla, add ons were made to work against that scripting API.

We are getting a scripting API in classic.

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I’m horribly uninformed on the specifics of it all. My post is just how I feel it should be in my opinion, not how reality will be. Either way it’s not that huge of a deal to me, whatever we have, I’ll just be over the moon to get a second chance at vanilla.

How is that toxic? It is a fact. That if you were bad you got kicked and the entire server knew you were bad. Thats not being toxic in any way.

Actually addons exist from day 1 of vanilla. Day 1 you could install addons for wow…

Or are you referring to specific types of addons.

I’m honestly not going to sit here and debate it to you. It’s irrelevant if the person perceives it as toxic. In my opinion, saying ‘we didn’t let people like you raid’ … ‘you sucking’ and ‘you being a special snowflake’ is derogatory. If you think otherwise, power to you. But I’ve no interest in continuing this. Like I said prior, have a good day :heart:

I’m referring to the fact that WoW has never come pre installed with any add ons, just the ability to install them.

And yes people were writing add ons before release and there were some available at launch.

Oh yeah. That is true. Was just clearing that up.

Your wording made it sound like addons didn’t exist at all during all of vanilla. Which didn’t sound correct to me.

Meh all the power to you. Im speaking from experience on the server I played on. Stuff like that happened all the time. To the point of players rerolling on other servers because no guild would touch them from their horrible rep of dying in raids.

As long as we get GearScore, I’m happy. I want everyone to obsess over item level and completely disregard itemization please. GearScore saved WoW.