I love all the people saying 'Don’t want to use addons? Then don’t." as a defense, but, generally depending on the scale of use of an addon once it exists it becomes mandatory in that raid. If you don’t utilize the addon, you are kicked from the raid. Vanilla should have the EXACT raid and PvP addons that it had in vanilla, no more, no less. Cosmetic ones don’t matter, but if it effects ease of play. Too bad. I’ll use the same logic. You want/have to play with all those addons? Go play retail. If you can’t live without the more sophisticated and scripted addons, then that is sad. I’m not a great player, but I’d rather die in order to learn a mechanic than have an addon direct me how to survive it. It’s much more exciting to be surprised by it, analyze it personally, and figure out how to survive it.
OP here is the biggest issue with your point on DMB and BIGWIGS.
The fights aren’t new. They are 15 year old content. People already know them, people have already done them. Having those addons literally does 0 to the game. Literally 0. Those fights are also so…basic that DMB would literally be going off maybe once every…I dunno 3 minutes.
It doesn’t do a thing. It’s a none issue.
You know what we did with people like you back in vanilla. Never allowed you to raid. Their was and still are certain addons that are mandatory for many guilds.
You sucking and dying in fire is a waste of everyone’s time.
Also in vanilla. 1 person messing up usually ment the entite group wiped. So yes you trying to act like a special snowflake actually will hurt any group you are running with.
screw that, we need our questing addons lol
I’m aware of that - however I’d like you to reread where I said ‘no more, no less’ than what was operating in Vanilla for Classic. If the addon existed in Vanilla, it should exist. However new creations that change dynamics, shouldn’t be created now for it. … And if you need an addon to tell you not to stand in the fire … You, my friend, suck.
Pure Vanilla would mean addons - as they existed in Vanilla.
They had raid addons in classic. Most of DBM and bigwigs power is wasted on classic encounters.
Once again, they’re wasted in classic,with so few fights having less than a half dozen mechanics at best you can actually play without them and not be handicapped much.
Yeah but not on the DAY OF RELEASE.
It’s 1.12 though. Besides, you can always just NOT use them, you know? While leveling? Keep that authentic feel for yourself - afterall it’s only your experience that matters in the end.
If we had vanilla addons, we would have bots playing the game for us…
vanilla addons were MORE powerful than retail not less.
They actually did exist on the day of release as a few were developed during the alpha, but its semantics as very few people were aware at that time. Doesn’t matter anyway, play however you want. We should count ourselves lucky the API isn’t vanilla, it was far more powerful.
Start your own raid with blackjack and no addons.
“You, and everyone, are not allowed to play the game in which I disagree with”
yeah okay
There were addons in vanilla, a lot of the addons that have been converted to work for the beta are addons that were used in vanilla (questie,abar etc). There will likely be controversial addons created, but blizz normally steps in if things get too crazy. Let the people play man; you aren’t forced to use any.
Addons will be available on day one. I don’t get your desire to push your ideal playstyle onto other people. Just because people change up their UI, doesn’t mean they won’t experience vanilla.
So the term standing in fire doesn’t actually literally mean “standing in fire.” It was a term used by raiders to indicate a raider messed up an easily avoided mechanic. These addons already existed in vanilla.
Also no. If you stand in n fire. You are a waste of space and got removed. Vanilla was a lot harsher than the current game.
i think its really hard believe that some people that started playing after the vanilla actually knows what the fights are like… if you had done the fights back them you would know there is a insane difference on running MC with blue gear and running it on lvl 120…
Here is the thing.
If you played back than. Than having those addons means nothing.
If you played after than you’ve played in a world with them so people will want them anyways.
So either way having it wont make a difference.
your entire argument is made based on the fact the both options are exclusions to each other… i played before yes, people that played later didnt played THEN, this is classic wow, so it has to be the way it was THEN not now, it will make a difference based on the fact that it is historic correct to assume that people cant do simple mechanics without a HUGE warning saying MOVE