Got ya covered there easily.
Here’s a long write-up I did elsewhere on Reddit.
And a counter argument when a very nice poster rebutted:
That enough elaboration for you?
Got ya covered there easily.
Here’s a long write-up I did elsewhere on Reddit.
And a counter argument when a very nice poster rebutted:
That enough elaboration for you?
This is also true. You’re also assuming that limitation Fasc keeps on telling you about by saying this. You keep dancing around this with comments like these. Maybe you should state your limitation and explain why Blizzard should abide by it in a #SomeChanges environment.
There’s no dance, there’s no dodge, it’s a blatant rebuttal. I don’t even understand what you mean by this.
By repeating “some changes” as a justification for why dual spec should be added, you’re offering only a vague argument that could similarly be used for other absurd changes that you probably wouldn’t agree with. So you are obligated to distinguish dual spec from those other absurd changes, lest you’re OK with those other changes too.
I mean…I don’t know what to tell you. I have gone to space and back stating and restating over and over where I think Blizzard’s limit is. It’s not earlier than drums changes or feral energy, but it’s definitely before dual spec. If you want specifics, read any number of my longer posts on the subject.
Nothing he has written here is a real problem. It’s all stuff he made up that doesn’t actually have any bearing on the game whatsoever.
This is a lie he continually perpetuates based on a 15-year-old quote that has no bearing on the current game. He actually made a thread on this where he was called out and he ended up saying it was just his opinion.
Also false. People can already respec and they already do respec according to the needs of their raids, dungeons, groups, etc.
Pure speculation. No basis in reality. Blizzard hasn’t mentioned a Classic WotLK so we have no idea what they’re going to do with it and how it’ll impact the player-base.
This assumes a standard for the current player-base. There is no basis upon which he assumes this standard.
He just abandoned his previous bullet point here and adopts a new standard that he still doesn’t prove exists.
He once again goes back to a 15-year-old quote with no bearing on the current game here and perpetuates a lie. Yet he writes an entire essay about it!
Hmm, so no stated limitation. Still dancing dodging, etc.
No, you don’t. Yet you keep talking like you do. It’s really sad.
In what format do you need me to state the limitation that isn’t the absolute litany of ways that I already have, for it to be a validly completed homework assignment for you?
Give me an outline or a format, and I’ll fill it out, like a form or something.
And you keep talking like you’ve actually read any of my posts, but you haven’t.
If you had, how I feel about dual spec or “Blizzard’s limits” would not be something so shrouded in mystery to you.
You’re assuming a limitation that you don’t even know how to express. That’s convenient for you. Or maybe you can’t express it so you need to bury it in vagueness.
Got it, so you won’t give any format because it would put you in a position where you have an opportunity to get the answer I’m willing to give you without any certain doubt, and you know that it’s harmful to your argument.
At this point, making any concession towards me is likely impossible for your ego to handle, I get it.
Tell me though, why don’t you answer a question for me:
What makes dual spec different from LFD or Death Knights in it’s “likelihood to be added” quotient?
I don’t need a pulse on it… foreknowledge isn’t required. I can only go off the limits they gave us.
Neat, when someone argues that point, it’ll be relevant. But you’ve attributed that exactly to me when you said it here:
Sooo don’t lie.
Given they already added other non-TBC things to current servers… naw.
It is.
A limit exists because it MUST… for REASONS!!
C/D: There are things you don’t want added to TBCC?
YOU won’t. I never assumed a limit. You did and you refuse to say what that is.
There are things I don’t want added to TBCC.
That exercise would be more useful for you to do yourself, it might help you get outside of your #nochanges bubble if you actually understood that all changes aren’t the same.
Damn, one of you answered a question, a splendiferous opportunity to actually get somewhere.
I also don’t want any of those things, for probably the same or similar reasons you don’t want those things.
The only difference between us, is out of that huge collection of things we both don’t want…
I simply don’t want +1 additional thing. Dual spec.
The reasoning may be specific to that particular feature, for example the reasons I don’t want dual spec aren’t the same as the reasons I don’t want Death Knights, but the general thrust is the same, in that it disfigures TBCC beyond a point that I believe is acceptable for what was promised with the product.
Admittedly, some features are in a grayer area, and cause disagreement as to whether it disfigures TBCC too much. Dual spec is clearly one of those things.
So it’s really not too difficult, I think, for someone who already has other things they don’t want, to conceive of why others may not want 1 additional thing on that list of things. I believe the argument for dual spec is honestly way too easily used for everything else beyond itself.
So we’re forced to kind of hone in on the thing dual spec specifically addresses on a player-to-player basis: highly mitigating if not completely removing the gold obstacle. It’s really all about gold.
All said and done, is “saving the gold” really…an ironclad reason why a thing should be added to TBCC?
I’m not asking about Blizzard things, that discussion goes nowhere, we already know.
Let’s say you’re a game dev, being asked a generic game dev question, and this is a different game that functions like WoW in most ways and we’re talking about a function that works like dual spec in most ways.
Does this scenario tell you that dual spec is worth the add, when “saving the gold” is the only indicator of it being a good add?
Cool. But I want them. So.
Neat. But I do.
Its about convenience. And…
I reject your “gold only” indicator and I think Dual Spec is worth it to add.
What, other than gold, prevents you from acting in a way that dual spec already exists? IE just respeccing with the current functions available.
Convenience. I literally don’t want to go to a trainer.
So let me get this straight:
The entire reason you believe dual spec is a great addition is because you believe there needs to be a way to avoid going to a trainer to respec?
Yes, please.
It lets me maintain two specs simultaneously. Like I said, convenience.