Refuting common arguments against Dual Spec

I’ve played both all along. I am against things that go against what classic is supposed to be. Ulduar in wrath is the earliest dual spec should arrive in a classic version of wow. Tbc and wrath were totally different expansions. Merc shouldn’t exist until WoD classic if it ever exists, either. Not time yet for faction chances either.


Actually, it’s not fine. Blizzard stated they wanted talent trees choices to be significant. 50g was intended as a deterrence to stop people from constantly re-speccing.

You’re advocating throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

not wasting my time going to the trainer when i see a group spam for a tank when im in Ret spec, oh and having to rebuy the new abilities i learn. oh and also changing up my buttons…um…oh it also sucks when your HS is on CD in the middle of Hellfire…is that enough Mr Kungfu cow?

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Sure are a lot of bored retail players here trying to keep TBC down.


dual spec ruins your identity! you would get known as a prot warrior or a holy priest! with dual spec that won’t happen!

Firstly, I’ve almost never actually seen this happen. Very rarely does someone become known as a “(spec) (class)” unless they only ever play that spec and nothing else. Even so, this argument is just an appeal to emotion, not an actual argument.

Secondly, this is TBC, not retail. Specs are an extension of the class, unlike in retail where each spec may as well be its own individual class. Talent specs in TBC merely enhance the abilities you already have and maybe give you 1-2 new ones. For the most part, classes have CLASS identity, not SPEC identity.

You aren’t even posing the correct argument. Look at people who play things like druids or smite priests for example. I specifically rolled druid due to it’s ability to be both a tank and DPS competently at the same time, and you completely neuter that reasoning by allowing any Warrior or Paladin to do it too for whatever activity they see fit. It’s indirect homogenization. You specifically harm my gameplay, my experience, by adding dual spec where it wasn’t intended.

“your choices matter! talent choices are supposed to matter!”

They don’t matter when you can pay 50g to change them any time you want, as many times as you want. You’re essentially arguing that our playstyle choices should be confined to one spec because…because they just should.

Right here you are countering your own argument. If paying 50g to respec is no big deal, then you essentially make your crusade to get dual spec in the game seem to be one simply out of the desired convenience, not that it is inherently necessary or crucial to balance or the design of the expansion. Changes to TBC Classic so far have been ones that sided on being changes of necessity. Not convenience.

“it wasn’t in original TBC!”

Neither was the Tinnitus debuff. Or paladins having both factions’ seals. Or having only Kara/Gruul/Mag available at launch. etc. etc.

The “#nochanges” train left the station a long time ago, and turned out to be a disaster.

Again, they’ve made changes out of necessity, not of simple convenience, and your conflation of the two concepts is key here to understanding why they will not add dual spec to an expansion where it doesn’t belong.


You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.


Add it now for 5k or 10k. Bring it back to 1k in WotLK pre patch

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If it doesn’t matter then I’m sure you won’t mind just paying the 50g. Your other arguments are equally self defeating, yet not compelling enough to bother refuting.


TBC is still a little sweaty, I agree, wraith was much better for the average adult gamer. You get dungeon finder, boa’s, duel spec, etc, so you can actually spend more time playing the end game content, and boy did it have some great content. Also, didn’t take weeks to get a full set of basic starter PvP gear. You could spam bg’s for a few days and have it, and it would allow you to at least not be one shot by the elite pvpers in arena gear.

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TBC was created in a different time. Most people in TBC had stable guilds, or guilds who didn’t care what spec you played. In an age where you must fit the “meta” or be shunned. I feel like its not fair to punish people by forcing them to respec all the time. Currently, I play a tank druid for dungeons, and boomkin for raiding. I will have to pay 50g every raid.

This is extremely unfair, when most classes in the game don’t need to do this.

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“They don’t matter when you can pay 50g to change them any time you want, as many times as you want. You’re essentially arguing that our playstyle choices should be confined to one spec because…because they just should.”

right now it’s not a very good gold sink because most people aren’t doing it. Most people aren’t respeccing back and forth all the time, simply because the gold cost is too high / they don’t feel like farming a whole ton."

LOL, talk about shooting your own ideas down.
So which is it? It’s essentially duel spec right now anyway, because you just pay gold to swap,.
We need duel spec because people aren’t paying to change specs.

Dual spec should be in the game and anyone who disagrees is a no changes nerd that is blind to the fact tbc has like 15 different changes already



Way, way more than that.

We all know that if you never get access to dual spec you’re going to spend more than 1k gold on respeccing. If you respec once or twice a week for a year that’s 5.2k-10.4k gold over the course of TBC compared to your 1k dual spec demand.

Enjoy your gold sink.


Okay, let’s make Paladin seals faction-specific again. And remove Tinnitus so every guild is forced to have their whole raid go leatherworkers. After all, this is supposed to be a re-creation of TBC, right?


Thanks for both ignoring my post and putting words in my mouth.

“muh slippery slope!”


Being forced to pay 50g to play the game a different way is not a sense of achievement LMFAO

They stated a lot of things back in 2007. It’s not 2007 anymore.

“wahh wahh I can’t be special in this convoluted way anymore!”
Okay. Game doesn’t revolve around you, sweetie.

That’s not what I’m saying. Stop putting words in my mouth.

If you think that “respeccing is possible” and “50g to respec is too much” are contradictory, I can’t help you.

Not having to have 20 leatherworkers in your raid sounds like a convenience instead of a necessity to me.

also I love how this forum uses “report for trolling” as a downvote button. Because of course anyone who disagrees with the hivemind is a troll.


Dual Spec was one of the best changes implemented and the #nochanges zugzugs need to pick their battles for things that actually made the game worse


you’re welcome guy

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How do i flag this post?

I’m fine with that. But, to further disprove your point, those changes were to address real problems with the game, such as further faction imbalance and profession stacking.

Dual spec address no such problem. It’s a QoL convenient change with disastrous effects.


I’m pretty sure 99% of LFG chat being “LF1M Tank” “LF1M heals” is a real problem. I’m pretty sure that tanks and heals having a hard time doing solo content is a real problem.

And no, letting people play 2 specs is not “disastrous”. I didn’t know the MUH NOCHANGES crowd was even still around, I thought all of you crazies quit halfway through vanilla.