Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

I don’t really care what other people are saying but rather how I feel about it. This expansion has really not be great at all. It comes down to how little I’m currently playing compared to every other expansion.

I log on to have fun or socialize(yeah that’s a thing believe it or not). I don’t log on to have another go at the casino. I’m not talking about rng and random procs but looking at how much gear there is and variation of it. It’s like we’re just a bunch of rabbits chasing a carrot(item level grind) to Blizzard.

A grind is fine, there is nothing wrong with a grind done well. The problem comes when a grind is boring for a GAME that you’re playing. Like I said I log on to have fun not to be bored hence I play a lot less than I used to.


Amazon does the same thing, offering severance bonuses to employees who want to leave, and they seem to be doing just fine.

This is by far one of the worst opinions I’ve ever read on these forums.

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Ya, I don’t get it either.

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Uh…BFA is on par with WoD quality if not worse. Don’t know what game you’re playing.

Ummm, we do have players who are actually playing other MMORPGs to fill the gap WoW is missing. Sad to tell you, but it is WoW and the reason to why Subscriptions are dropping. There is a long list for this, but players already posted them in forums and for years have been ignored, and we got… Azerite Traits… Adding more abilities would be hard to balance, but they add more with Azerite Traits… :rofl::sob::sob::rofl: and this system is bad

maybe cause they are actually playing the game, unlike you

Players who have quit are actually not playing the game.

Who could have guessed?

WoD was actually better in my eyes because class design was in a better place. I’d rather have good class design with no content instead of bad class design with content that feels like a chore rather than a quality experience.

most of them never played much of the game so they are basing their opinions off of others.

id rather have current class design, you don’t speak for everyone.

To be fair and impartial, a lot of supporters of highly unpopular dev-implemented changes do not appear to have played the game in years, if at all. Often they have no familiarity with the issue they are commenting on.

Man you just look to respond instead of read the posts don’t you?

Hey, like you!

Sorry, but this whole thread is way off-base. The idea that you can disprove someone’s observations with your feelings is something that the OP doesn’t get will convince no one.

I’m not sure which post you’re responding to. Forum isn’t showing me the quote portion of your post.

When someone says, “My friends have all left and my guild is dead, and I see no one out in the world”, the OP would respond, “Only your friends have left, all other guilds are thriving, more people are playing than ever, and the game is growing”, based on nothing but his feelings that this must be the truth.

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Oh yeah I agree with ya. I only have my own perspective and the perspective of my guildies that pretty much raidlog due to how dry the expansion is. I also watch a lot of videos from content creators and not a lot of them are happy with the current state of the game.

A lot of people are voicing their disappointment in Blizzard for giving us a pretty bad product. I actually side with them. BFA feels really bad right now.

Thats how white knights are programmed =p

You are in a small minority on that one. Class design is the single most popular complaint about BFA.

this just pure nonsense