Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

Actually, no, that’s not realistic.

If WoW was (not there yet but this expansion took the foot off the brake) terrible, most of its playerbase would just quit. Likelihood is the players hanging on are the players that have been playing for a while and have a significant investment in the game- you’re right in that you’re not going to see them flee to other games, they’ll just flee the market period.

This feeds into the point I made above.

The genre is mostly stagnant. It’s not declining rapidly, it’s just not surging in growth. The stupid companies make their mistakes and lose that base, the smart companies retain their customers or even gain customers.

Youre killing me smalls…

So they love the genre, but refuse to play anything but WOW. Ok then.

Final time: I am not claiming WoW is not in decline. I am saying that ON TOP OF THIS the entire MMORPG market is as well.

Done now.

That is a mistake on my part I admit when I first wrote this it was 2 am and I was tired.

Actually, good on you for owning that. Kudos. Seriously. I now have some legit respect for you. Merry Christmas Skarin, try to use your eyes and ears more than your mouth in 2019. I always try to, but seldom succeed.

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I don’t want that either. Because if WoW succeeds we all win. The main issue boils down to communication and how we try to reach out to Blizz but they don’t really want to have a conversation with us. I made a thread a little bit ago called…

Not the best title but honestly, I’m just as passionate as you are on the subject matter. I try to iron out all the new features and the issues that I have with it. And in my opinion, I think there are simple changes that could be made that could make the game fun again.

Like removing trade restrictions so we don’t have situations like our warrior on our raid team. He waited 10 weeks to get his M Taloc weapon because every drop was on a player that either didn’t even have a 385 weapon or the one that dropped for them warforged. Our HPal who doesn’t even need or use the weapon got a 395 that he couldn’t trade due to the restrictions.

It feels bad. Like, really bad that we don’t get to help our players on our team when they’re struggling in a difficulty that requires serious teamwork.

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TY man I honestly have no issue with ppl critiquing the game as long as they have evidence to back it up …I guess in all my effort to call those people who did not I became the very thing I was fighting.

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No awareness like self awareness.

Just wait for the wow china ban then come back to talk about it.

Well the Chinese themselves are getting pretty offended by this stereotype, they are finding it racist and stereotypical, how we blame everything that’s happening to our movies and games on them.

What is true I think is that products are being made for a particular audience, rather than a broad audience, which is disappointing.

And they have been Blizzard has been working day and night to tweak the azerite system and honest some changes may not be swift remember the personal loot system has been here since WoD changing it like you said to allow free trading will take time due to re balancing. I know I am going to get blasted with “soon” comments but if we are willing to give blizzard time we may see change.

I dont care what they like or dont like.

The best news about the Azerite system was the announcement about the 8.2 azerite changes…before 8.1 was even rolled out. Its broken. They were told it was broken in beta. They have been getting this feedback since this summer.

Why do they deserve credit for not making the system any better for the first 9 months ish of BFA? They only real change is the addition of vendors, and that was just for PvE!! PvP still doesn’t have vendors.

Sorry, effort for design is the last thing they deserve credit for.

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I don’t recall saying that. Point it out for me?


The entire market for traditional MMOs has been on decline for years. WoW didn’t just start suddenly having issues, but massive surges or drops in popularity cannot just be blamed on the market when we’re talking about a market that, as a whole, has been around for over two decades now.

Whether or not the rest of the market is in decline does have relevance within the scope of WoW’s popularity, but the entire market is not mirroring WoW’s current major drop in popularity; therefore, it is logical to conclude something is wrong with WoW in particular.

I’ve given Blizzard since WoD…

I admit as I just do LFR these days I was not too affected by the Azertie but I can see other people was and I can how forcing warfronts and WQ on people who just want to PVP can upset people but I honest have a theory about this and this just my opion

Both WoD and Legion had very shaky launches WoD crashed constantly the first week and Legion suffered from massive Latency issues during prepatch. I honestly believe that the majority of WoW’s team was focused on making sure the launch of BFA was stable. While this is NO excuse it could be reasoning. Perhaps their funding was threatened to be pulled by the shareholders or even Activision unless they had a stable launch.

I have also edited my original post I hope it relays my original goal better than 2am sleep deprived ramblings.

Rotten Tomatoes scores for all the movies these days;

95/97%, this movie is awesome!!! I love it!!

Audience score: 45% (if lucky), dropping to 35% and lower.

There are some people that say that the reason that movie ‘critics’ are giving these fake reviews is because they have to, otherwise they don’t get to interview the directors and people making these movies.

Doubtful. The six largest WoW servers had HUGE issues. They were offline about 50% of the time the first few days of launch. World lag was more complained about during BFA launch than it has been since like…sharding was introduced. The launch, from a purely technical stand point, was a borderline failure.

I’m not contradicting you on purpose, I swear. At this point its just fate =p

Well the launch wasn’t as bad as the Legion/Wod launches, I do admit that Boralus was a bit laggy to begin with though

This is true. I will say that BfA wasn’t as bad as WoD (on Thrall at least), but it wasn’t smooth like Legion though either. I’d probably chalk it up to worldwide release… not entirely sure who thought that was a good idea.