Refunding Shadowlands Pre-Purchase

Hey there people!

I was wondering, has anyone tried refunding their Shadowlands Pre-Purchase?

Yes, I used the boost. However, I will gladly allow them to delete or ban the character I used it on. Makes no difference to me.

Thanks for any hot tips.

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I suppose it depends how long it has been. I imagine they can just lock the booster character, but time plays a factor into this as well.

After 30 days, no dice.

There’s another thread going on right now about this. I forgot the title, though.
They got denied a refund because the game time that came with the bundle they bought had been used. So I imagine, if you had used a boost, you’d be denied as well.

So couldn’t they just ban the boosted char and deduct the game time value from the net return?

So instead of 80, it would be 64 for example?

It’s this one.

nah. They’re not good at math, i guess.

it’s worth a shot to try, if you really want a refund. There’s no harm in trying. Just prepare yourself to be denied, just in case.

Could they? Probably. Will they? Unlikely.

I see on the forums in the past that using the boost is an immediate disqualification. Sorry. :frowning:

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Why are people pre-ordering an unlimited supply of an online game that they are unsure of whether or not they will like it or play it when it releases? I just don’t get it.


If the game time has been used you won’t get a refund.

Just subtract the $16 game time from the refund? I don’t get the complexity here. It’s a journal entry or two and a calculator. /:

I always pre-order because I know I’m going to play and for the bonuses.

The boost they would just lock or remove but as others have said, if the game time was used, no refund.

Going to be honest here, If you actually wen’t through w/ pre purchasing the xpack then chances are it doesn’t matter if you got rid of it now, you would come back later. so i wouldn’t waste your time.

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They won’t do that. Game times used means no refund. The same applies if you pre-ordered more than 30 days ago.

Don’t pre-order, don’t have problems, and no regrets / buyers remorse.

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Well then you don’t fall into the category of player I’m talking about.

People who are unsure of whether or not they’ll like the game, let alone even play it, when it releases are pre-ordering it. I’m confused as to why that is? There’s no limited supply, there’s no need to have to go to the store to get one. You literally click a button, download the game, and off you go.

So I genuinely don’t understand why people who might be on the fence about the game, or even more so negative about it, are still pre-purchasing it while simultaneously complaining about it and asking for a refund when a change gets revealed they don’t like. It’s an honest question, not trying to flame anyone. I just don’t really understand it.


lol, that would cost them a lot to program things that way and for no good reason.

I didn’t say I did I was just saying why I pre-order. I agree with you. Unless someone is 100% sure they’re going to play they shouldn’t pre-order. Buyers remorse is not a valid reason for a refund.