Refund on Feldrake being bought with gold?

So, the uniqueness of the original mount is kept because the new mount is not the same color.


If anyones running the show, it’s Disney.


Takes more than one person to flag a post.


Hi im thrall and this has been brought to you by the house of mouse unless ur gona tell a joke please pay 50$ for a name change.

Don’t you know Disney is controlled by the Illuminati headed by Elvis and Buddy Holly from their secret base on the dark side of the moon built by Germany just before WW2?

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I sincerely doubt that, perhaps you should take a look in the mirror and repeat that a couple times to see if that makes sense to you?

Atleast last time I checked we’re not worshippers of the Illuminatti (but maybe the Old Gods).

Flags down Orlyia to this thread tho



You don’t know who flagged your posts. You have no proof they flagged any of your posts. There are a lot more reading this thread than there are posters.

It takes more than one to hide a post. It seems to me a number of others don’t agree with you.


If u want to retain ur posting priveledges maybe stop posting its not gona end well for u.

Name-calling and spam-posting arguments are a good way to lose one’s posting privileges. This is the most heavily moderated forum there is too - it’s not a place for opinions on what you think. They’re not facts you’re posting, they’re your opinion. You’re welcome to it, no matter how wrong or right it may be.


You don’t know who is flagging your posts.

If you know you are going to get negative reactions to your posts, why do you make them? You didn’t need to post at all. All you brought to this is a conspiracy theory.


This is probably the most sensible thing I’ve read on the forums.

As a Spectral Tiger owner: yes please. The shady RMT scam market that the TCG has enabled absolutely deserves to be disenchanted into 35 anima.