There needs to be some serious remorse and reparations made by the Horde to the Alliance before we can move past what seems like an utterly irredeemable narrative that damned the Horde to a villain status on par with the Scourge, Burning Legion, or Twilight Cultists. The issue with this is that any remorse is going to feel hollow, shallow, or just outright insincere, and the Horde’s resources have never been high enough that they can support themselves outside of the best of times, much less make any kind of reparation to those they have wronged.
I think another issue that would need to be analyzed is whether or not it would be hypocritical to demand these kinds of gestures from the Horde, and not the Alliance. I don’t mean from the Alliance to the Horde, either, not entirely at any rate. The Zandalari were dragged into a war and lost their king, and the Vulpera were attacked. Even if the Vulpera were legitimate military targets due to their role of transporting goods, this is still a degree of aggression from the Alliance that failed to take into account the repercussions. The Vulperas’ caravans were burned, and those caravans are their homes, shelters, and livelihoods all in one.
There is also the issue of displaced and depleted populations that needs to be brought into question. The Mag’har are squatting in Orgrimmar, the center of civilization and most of the population of the Nelves are both gone, the Forsaken are likewise without a home, etc…
The reality of what needs to be addressed is so staggering that I don’t think a novel could even correctly cover it all. It does need to be addressed, however, to bring the factions forward out of this current mood.
Something I feel the Horde could do, and even SHOULD do, is to embrace the way of life the Orcs led on Draenor before the Legion found the world. The Orcish population should be divided into various Clans, and then separated by great distances, effectively weakening their ability to pose a threat as a united front at a given notice. The arrival of the Mag’har could easily be a catalyst towards this sort of development. Having the Orcs spread out through southern Kalimdor would probably be the best way to go. With diplomacy, some clans, such as the Frostwolves, could remain in the Eastern Kingdoms as well. That one seems simple enough since I don’t believe they took any significant role in the Blood War.
Much as I hate to say it, Calia Menethil becoming the Queen of the Forsaken gives them something of a last chance to prove they’re more than the Scourge 2.0, and I think Forsaken society would be free enough at that point to capitalize on that opportunity. If the Royal Apothecary Society, for example, found a way to neutralize the Blight, testing it in Lordaeron, and then used it to cleanse Darkshore and other nelf territories, it’d be the first of many, many gestures to redeem them.
In the end, the redemption of the Horde is a story that’s going to affect the Alliance profoundly just by association, and needs to be spread out across the game’s remaining lifetime.