Reforging was PEAK gameplay

there I said it, the truth

reforging was awesome and allowed you to further personalize your character and stats
sure there was always a top answer for DPS but who cares, there’s always a top answer for DPS in anything, like race/talents and even keybinds

but for the rest of us that weren’t tryhards, reforging allowed for some fun stat stacking. And you know what else was fun?

Corruptions. Corruptions were actually awesome.

bring me ur hate now I am ready


Does reforging make sense anymore? There are only 4 secondaries nowadays. If you pick one to be the best and another to be the second best, that’s 12 options. I feel that I have pretty good control over my gear by just changing gear around until I get close to my desired secondary distribution.

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Ah yes the epic gameplay of using what the heck was it called. mr robot? something like that? The gameplay of using that and it telling you what to reforge


I agree with everything but this. Borrowed power is never fun.


Never got interested in it enough to try in.

Sometimes I hate Sundays.

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Opinion is not fact.

Reforging was obnoxious. (Also another opinion, not fact.) And since there is no longer hit/expertise or caps, there is no reason for reforging.

It did not. There were caps. That was part of the reason reforging existed: so you didn’t cap your stats and then have a piece of useless gear.

You just went to a npc… I mean it was convenient and nice but gameplay?

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I remember having to add rules that no one was allowed to leave the raid to go reforge their gear before the next boss. It was getting annoying and the raid team would constantly complain that people kept trying to go reforge and waste time.

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No. Never again.

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Yes, Reforging is the best, having to stop the dungeon/raid, go to a Reforger, reforge stats you HAVE to have your secondary stats because if you pick Leech you’re not viable for the raid and you have to constantly juggle that.

Reforging wasn’t the customization people made it out to be.

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Oh yeah, I loved always having to go back to a capital city to change all my gear’s statistics every single time I got a new item… Obligatory /s.

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Wasn’t hit/expertise actually the obnoxious part though? I feel like with the removal of those two, reforging would have been fine to keep and removing it also was just killing one bird with two stones.

Reforging in the current system would just allow an item level upgrade drop with bad stats to feel more useful.

Change this gem from crit to haste, run it again and guess what change the gem from haste to crit. So much fun. They should bring back hit rating and make tier sets spec specific while they are at it. :frowning:

Agreed with reforging, hard disagree with corruptions. Corruptions were terrible.

Yeah, not being able to equip your gear until you went to Ask Mr Robot was so engaging. It took SKILL to use Ask Mr Robot. I had to click the mouse button!

That was a great tv show featuring Rami Malek

AskMrRobot is the add on

Thank you.

It was a website before it was an addon. Yeah I was there from the beginning. It was just an extra step you had to click before you could use your gear, it added nothing to gameplay.