Reforging was PEAK gameplay

Nope. It existed to solve the issue of not being able to immediately use higher ilvl pieces because of Hit/Expertise caps. That issue no longer exists. It would just be an extra step after equipping gear now, or worse, an extra step before being able to equip a piece. And an extra step any time you wanted to min/max between single target, cleave, or AoE encounters, and the variance of M+ dungeons and weeks.

There’s not really a positive that reforging brings to gameplay at this point other than minutia for the sake of minutia.

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They should bring back reforging. Not how it was before because with 4 stats it would be the stupidest, most shallow system ever, probably exceeding the pointlessness of garrisons even.

They should allow reforging though…to tertiary stats. And expand those out. Add in resistances again. Add in armor/dodge again. Add something for mana regen. Add a chance for splash damage/heals to single target stuff. Cooldown reduction.

Make sure they’re balanced to only be small bonuses in the end, nothing that should make or break things. But allow some actual decisions about whether tradeoffs of the secondary stat is worth it. And whether you want to specialize for fights.

Now there’s a system. A system that isn’t just “I hate versatility and want haste!”

These are two contradictory statements. They cannot be so small that they don’t make an impact, while still being an “actual decision.”

You know what was great?

Yes. It’s a lot less of a near-necessity at this point due to simplified stats, but being able to convert some of a stat you don’t want into one that you do was really nice to have. I’m not crying for it, but I’d welcome the return of this.

No. Not in the form they were in BfA. That was awful. BfA in general was awful, with borrowed power systems stacking on top of each other contributing like 60% of your overall damage if you accounted for the passive bits as well. Corruptions being a solid 20% on their own in just raw damage on the damage proc ones.

Kiss / Curse gearing is totally fine.

But it should be designed such that you’re fighting to keep your own equipment as a net gain over generic gear (with potential for it to be a loss), NOT just something the healer has to fix for you while you get free damage out of it. And definitely not this 20% chunk of damage. It’s way overkill.

I loved reforging. I also kinda understand why they took it out.

But I’d love to have it back.

To add on:
I think Gem Sockets being normalized as part of gear should come back too. It brings a fair amount of customization to gearing.

Let players take gems out of their gear at reduced power or something (Like, 2/3 the amount of stat) so they can re-slot them in new gear while still leaving a reason for jewelcrafters to exist after the first month of an expansion. (I only mention this because this is one of the things they dialed way back because they wanted gear to be worth equipping right when it dropped instead of having to go back to town to prepare it in multiple ways)

Sure. But at the time, it existed. So when they removed hit/expertise and removed the caps on stats, there was no reason to have reforging anymore.

We’ve got crafted gear you can put into nearly every slot and gem sockets. There is no need for reforging.

That’s all well and good in theory.

In practice, it means I can’t equip upgrades in cata without making a pit stop in orgrimmar.

Idk… twilight dev was pretty fun.

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