<Reflecting Prism> 2/8M late night guild

<Reflecting Prism> is currently seeking serious raiders to push for Cutting Edge this tier. We are a very friendly group of raiders willing to teach others and learn together as we progress through Mythic Uldir. Our foundation and leadership is concrete and we continue to build our guild under every circumstance.

Raid times are Tu/Th/Sat 10:30-1 ST.

We are currently looking for ranged dps as well as an exceptional healer (not specified, as our healers have multiple classes to swap to to make our composition stronger). We are very interested in a druid that can flex rdruid or boomy, as well as an exceptional Brewmaster Monk or Blood Death Knight.

PST if you are interested in raiding with us! Add either
for further information!

Also free reflecting prisms during raid downtime!
Are you looking for a holy priest?
10/31/2018 12:46 AMPosted by Sassage
Are you looking for a holy priest?

Not at the moment. We would really appreciate a disc priest, however!
What if I can beat your hpriest?

I’m interested in joining you guys. I added you both to Btag. Duongqua#1174