Reduced dragon riding speed in old world content

They reduced soar because dracthyr were getting an unfair advantage when traversing the old world for pet battles

And it’s such a good thing they made this change because such a large percentage of their player base engages with pet battles


My guess is if Blizzard didn’t announce it 99% of players would have never noticed.

To me it feels the same.

The 1% are people who always enjoy testing every single feature and probably would have identified it with some testing.


Like What? Can the dracthyr even enter chrome time given that they start at level 58 and don’t leave the mandatory starting zone until 60?

People complain that Blue doesn’t interact enough with us on these forums.

This thread is a perfect example of why they don’t very often. Even when they give a completely reasonable response people will still cling to their sense of entitled victimhood.


What was reasonable about their response?

“We wanted you to go slower, so now you have to go slower.”

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‘I’m gonna ignore that dragonriding is still over double the speed of traditional flying because of a slight speed reduction.’

Kinda ignoring the thing that defeats your whole argument, aren’t you?


Not in the slightest. This is just a fifteen thousandth example of blizzard changing something based on an arbitrary decision

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Exactly!!! Why nerf Dragonriding speed? It’s erroneous. Blizzard using “We want you to take it all in” is bogus. If people want to “take it all in” they can do so on one of their hundreds of 310% flight speed mounts for crying out loud.

Pro tip: when you put something in quotation marks, you should use the actual words that were said.

You already know that though.

Another complaint in the forums. This is getting old.

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This is quite the worrying statement. Why change flying again even though people were enjoying flight in 10.2?

People are really hassling devs because Azeroth DR is 15% slower.

The literal definition of get a life .


If someone has a complaint, they are within their rights to voice that complaint on these forums.

If you don’t like it, then don’t read it

You’re still trying to argue that it’s somehow ‘wasting time’ despite it being an objectively much faster travel option compared to what we had prior.

Tell me, is dragonriding faster than normal flight? Yes or no? Which one would be ‘wasting time’ here?

Answer this for me first because I asked it first:

That’s an irrelevant question. Mine’s not, considering the argument I responded to. You just don’t have a point to make, so I’m done here!

Well this poster made my point for me quite effectively:

Nobody does… its just the Outrage Of The Week.

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Blizz always has to mess with stuff that doesn’t need to be, they spend more time doing stuff like this than balancing classes (Especially PvP)

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Yall really upset by 15% reduction? WoW players are S tier toxic