why did you reduce the dragon riding speed by 15% when in the old world?
the entire allure of dragon riding is that it is fast… using dragon riding is a trade off: obtaining speed at the cost of reduced accuracy.
there’s no reason to reduce the dragon riding speed in other zones.
They said because the old world is much smaller (the zones in cells). 15% seems like such an arbitrary number. Why not 12%? 9.65%?
Feels bad.
I think they were saying technological limitations in the older expac?/Smaller worlds
Which I find funny because 830% is “too fast” but 705.5% is perfectly fine.
Extremely laughable. Not surprised though look at the company that makes the game honey.
To make travel less trivial.
It’s likely this is a result of literally paper thin geometry in the older worlds to help prevent folks from clipping through the world due to how bounding boxes and collision detection work.
As it stands there were already problematic spaces in Dragonlands (rocks, twigs, etc) that would force you to disconnect early on.
Just take it as a win that you’re still faster than Static Flight and most flight paths.
Friend, the max speed for dragonriding isn’t 100%. It’s 830%. Flying in old world is 85% of the maximum velocity of that. Dragonriding is absurdly fast and old zones are not built for it.
I just flew from Booty Bay to the entrance of Ghostlands in under five minutes with dragonriding. Why are we still whining about this?
It kind of makes sense. They put things closer together in the old days. Vanilla zones were built for people walking and/or using ground mounts. Even flying was an afterthought. Dragonflying… You can cross a continent in less than a minute. Why does it need to be faster?
how so? dracthyr soar at top speed (same speed as dragon riding mounts) literally worked PERFECTLY FINE until blizzard nerfed it.
the reason for the nerf was because allowing dracthyr to use a 830% speed mount in the old world created “an unfair advantage over other classes,” not because the old world wasn’t coded well enough to handle 830% speed.
the dracthyr soar ability at 830% worked perfectly fine on the PTR until blizzard nerfed it.
so, anyone who is saying “oh the old world isn’t built to handle 830% mount speeds” is just incorrect.
So because you say it was “PERFECTLY FINE” over and over, that makes it the only correct answer? Seriously, whether we fly at 830% of 823% or 280%… None of those things make or break the experience. It’s all artistic decisions, and why waste time fussing over it?
What I really look forward to is when all flying mounts don’t work the same, and each has characteristics tied to that particular mount. Maybe dragons and birds (except humming birds) can’t hover, but mage discs and some magical creatures can. Maybe some mounts are just faster than others. I don’t care about which is what other than we get variety that makes sense and adds flavor to the game. Fighter jets aren’t helicopters aren’t jet skis. Meanwhile I could care less about exactly which numbers they choose.
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The same reason blizzard nerfed the Drakthyr racial, The same reason they delayed the creation catalyst until the last season, and probably the same reason they buffed fire mage which was already a top tier spec
Blizzard hates fun?
I want to know who on the design team has the job title of “Fun Throttler” - because it’s got to be someone.
so what? why does it become a problem that we can get to closer things faster?
yeah exactly… why is 705.5% fine but 830 too fast?
mount speed is not artistic or cosmetic in nature…
well people are saying that blizzard cant allow 830% speed flying in the old world because it isn’t coded properly, so i am using this an example to show them that they are incorrect.
dracthyr soar was 830% speed on the PTr and worked perfectly fine until blizzard nerfed it because it was an unfair advantage.
And if the old zones are capable of handling dragonriding at 830% speed (which is proven by the fact that dracthyr soar worked in the old zones at 830% speed with no issues), why do we have a reduced speed in the old world?
this is the entire purpose of my thread… to ask why
and so far, no one has provided any answer
here is the wowhead article discussing the dracthyr soar nerf:
Dracthyr Soar Racial Maximum Speed Nerfed by About 30% in Next Dragonflight Alpha Build - Wowhead News
With the next alpha build, we’re making a change to Soar for Dracthyr that reduces their maximum speed from (roughly) 930% to 640%. The maximum speed for Dragon Isles Drakes is unchanged . This only applies to the Dracthyr Soar racial ability.
The result is that Dracthyr have a drastic efficiency advantage over characters of other races when doing non-Dragon Isles content, whether that’s Chromie Time quests, clearing old raids for transmog, pet battling, etc.
the 30% nerf was clearly implemented to “balance the dracthyr racial ability soar to prevent an unfair advantage.”
What unfair advantage are they preventing now? if everyone can fly at 830% speed, then there is no advantage.
there certainly is no issues with coding 830% speed for old world as soar was originally 830% and only nerfed because it was an advantage.
i would also like to point out
dracthyr soar was 930% speed which worked fine on PTR servers… why is 830% speed suddenly an issue when 930% speed functioned completely fine?
this change was clearly implemented for no reason other than to waste the time of wow players…
“can’t have people flying so fast in old world, that would reduce the number of hours players spend on the game” is the only plausible explanation for the speed reduction
Im really starting to believe this. Like their lives are somehow that empty and miserable they gotta ruin things for everyone else.
They want to elevate by tearing down others.
My guess is the reduced speed matches up with the way the game processes draw distance and stuff.
Dude, its still way faster than master flying. Just be happy we actually have dragonriding in old world content.
They literally have said why. A long time ago.
Sure it is. There is no practical reason we have to fly at any particular % of an imaginary speed. It’s all arbitrary numbers. The only real factor at play is how the creators want it to feel when we’re traveling around their imaginary world. The time it takes to get places affects how big the world feels. Same is true in fiction, where a trip that takes several chapters feels longer than one that takes a paragraph. Time and space are interrelated. Blizz chooses a speed to affect our impressions of this world they’ve created. It’s an artistic decision, plain and simple.