Reduce Input Lag

What happened to the reduce imput lag option that used to be in the advanced tab of the system menu? A friend of mine was having latency issues recently and was trying to fix it, then we both noticed it was missing. How long has it been gone and what else can he do to fix his issue other than changing his spellque cvar?

Hi Azranna

I don’t recall when that was removed. I noticed it at the time - few months ago. I found an old WTF backup with the Cvars.

SET reducedLagTolerance “1”
SET gxFixLag “1”

I’m not sure which one was the input lag. I’m also not sure either will still function. 1 (one) would be on - 0 (zero) would be off

We had several different settings that were only used by 1 backend. They were all consolidated into the Advanced > Triple Buffering option. Triple Buffering off will be the same as what Fix Lag on was trying to do. The fix lag option mapped well to a DX9 option.

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I am now slightly more educated in the ways of Wow. Thanks Rommax. I am curious though. Would those old Cvars even work?

I double checked and reducedLagTolerance and gxFixLag aren’t in the code base at all anymore. The game will never try to read or do anything with those CVars.

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Thanks for the info.