Reduce increased dmg taken for tanks from 50% back to 30%

Back in bfa tanks only took 30% dmg taken increase in pvp and had a lot more defensive passively. Now for exemple my prot has not defensive to compensate the 50% increased dmg taken so I’m just taking 100-200k hits from burst abilities bypassing even my guardian proc because a single ability does half my health. This shouldn’t be a thing and in rbgs you cannot even get a tank to flag carry anymore. I’d like for you guys at the balancing and tuning department to delve into this issue and understand that without the 10% baseline dmg taken reduction were now sitting ducks getting one shot left and right unable to even heal ourself and stabilize without dampening and mortal strike effects even.

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I thought it was 60 or 65% now.

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Yea it’s 60% but that’s by taking in account other flat dmg taken increase we got that don’t take in account this pvp debuff on tanks.

tanks should take 1000% increased damage to simulate all the pain they’ve caused me and other players over the course of their existence


Why you seem to be doing fine rating wise?

bAcK In bFa tAnKs oNlY ToOk 30% dMg tAkEn iNcReAsE In pVp aNd hAd a lOt mOrE DeFeNsIvE PaSsIvElY. nOw fOr eXeMpLe mY PrOt hAs nOt dEfEnSiVe tO CoMpEnSaTe tHe 50% iNcReAsEd dMg tAkEn sO I’M JuSt tAkInG 100-200k hItS FrOm bUrSt aBiLiTiEs bYpAsSiNg eVeN My gUaRdIaN PrOc bEcAuSe a sInGlE AbIlItY DoEs hAlF My hEaLtH. tHiS ShOuLdN’T Be a tHiNg aNd iN RbGs yOu cAnNoT EvEn gEt a tAnK To fLaG CaRrY AnYmOrE. i’d lIkE FoR YoU GuYs aT ThE BaLaNcInG AnD TuNiNg dEpArTmEnT To dElVe iNtO ThIs iSsUe aNd uNdErStAnD ThAt wItHoUt tHe 10% bAsElInE DmG TaKeN ReDuCtIoN WeRe nOw sItTiNg dUcKs gEtTiNg oNe sHoT LeFt aNd rIgHt uNaBlE To eVeN HeAl oUrSeLf aNd sTaBiLiZe wItHoUt dAmPeNiNg aNd mOrTaL StRiKe eFfEcTs eVeN


Blizzard unironically needs to nuke tank specs from orbit and increase their PvP damage taken by some absurd number (like 500% or 1000% or something) and just plainly state that tank specs have no place in PvP now or ever, and will never be supported in any way whatsoever. They need to be perfectly and utterly emphatic about it so we can move past this enormous waste of resources completely.


I’m a top 100 player. I play perfectly and sweat every game I play. I’m not even facing people of my rank and I’m losing to random duelist and elite players because their spec are way stronger than mine. They make so many mistakes tho we can kill them in a 20 sec cc chain with great coordination.

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Try harder then, it shouldn’t stop a rank 1 like your prot self from achieving it.

Be quiet lil gooby boy


honestly i think blizzard just failed miserably trying to create tank specs that were fun / balanced in pvp, prot war had a few seasons in the past where it wasn’t despised like guardian druid or prot pal.

imo tank specs should be parallel to another dps spec in terms of survivability and have a trade-off of doing less damage for the sake of having more utility/cc… the problem currently is that every class is already brimming with annoying micro cc and control that making a class with even more would push the fatigue over the edge, so realistically the only compromise i think we could ever see in present day is just tank specs being parallel to other dps.

another problem is that blizz simply refuses to design tanks in a way that isn’t instant mald inducing 600k hp guardian druids, prot paladins doing the healing of healers with the damage of ret with better survivability than both combined, brewmaster monk generating life-cocoon level shields every 5 seconds for their team, etc.

tank players didn’t fail the pvp meta, blizzard failed them


Literally what you were, spamming prot pal in SL. Stop talking youre such a freak.

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Nobody cares man. Screw off. Literally everyone hates you. Ain’t nobody going to your funeral bruh.

Go tank a dungeon or play a different spec if you want a single ounce of respect or sympathy from literally anybody.

I don’t know. Guardian druids still don’t really die, and barely anybody seems to enjoy tanks in PvP all that much.

Why not just play retribution? As you said, you’re a top 100 player, and you seem to believe you’re far better than most. You shouldn’t have any issues learning something new.

It sucks getting nerfed, but you have to admit that the tanks were incredibly busted. You should offer an alternative other than asking to revert the nerf, even if people are most likely critical of your idea.

B-but muh class fantasy! :(((( Lord Uther himself told me I am to be an ardent defender of the LIGHT :(((((((( I will protect the weak!!! I am PROTECTION PALADIN OF THE LIGHT!!!


Is there a command or site that auto caps every other letter like that or did you take the time to manually do it?

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sure 30% in Rated BG
60% dmg taken extra in arenas :slight_smile:

literally just google spongebob mocking text.

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o NIcE iTs woRKInG