Red/Green Eye Colours for DK’s

Lore doesn’t matter anymore. Every race will soon be every color and every class and maybe soon every faction, discounting a faction merge at some point in the future.

So i say F it! Hell, give Humans red eyes too, give Trolls white skin, let Taurens be rogues, nothing really matters.

Right after the cinematic for Shadowlands Ion says “Now do the blue eyes make sense” or something along those lines.

The sunwell wasn’t destroyed. It being corrupted was exactly why they has green eyes because they relied on it as a source of magic, when it was cleansed their eyes turned gold.

Yes, there is lore surrounding eye glow color. The mounts aren’t even in the same ball park and the reply wasn’t even an answer to the question.

You also didn’t actually answer the question, but I knew that would happen since you don’t have an answer.

And you do know there are different generations of death knights right?

I’m confused as to where you’re getting this?

The Sunwell was destroyed by the Scourges invasion of Quel’Thalas, after Arthas used it to resurrect Kel’Thuzad and thus corrupted it, Kael’thas then destroyed it.

Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population. Arthas then used the mystical Sunwell to resurrect the fallen necromancer Kel’Thuzad, irrevocably tainting the fount in the process.
Fearing that the befouled well would obliterate his dwindling race, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider gathered a group of Quel’Thalas’s defenders and destroyed the fount to avert catastrophe.


Their eye color was changed due to the reliance they had on fel magic, not dissimilar from the Orcs being turned green, after being starved from the destruction of the Sunwell and having to turn to fel.

You are right about eye colors being lore-related though, and our eyes definitely should remain blue IMO.

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Except no. Teron was an Orc, most likely already with red eyes before his death due to drinking the demon blood. Teron was raised by Guldan implanting his soul in the body of a dead human, using the hearts of necrolytes (who also have red eyes) and becoming the first gen DKs. The red eyes aren’t from being a DK, its from demon blood. Honestly, if any class deserves the option for glowing red eyes it’s warlocks, not death knights.

Compare that to being raised by the Lich King where, coincidentally, he has blue eyes and every person he kills, raises, and has dominion over has blue eyes. Blue eyes are the sign of being a member of the scourge, which is what player DK’s were.

You do realize many of these colors and the like are chosen out of convenience and ease of use, as well as to reflect the “cold” death that was commonly associated with the LK.

The sunwell was literally blown up by Kael’thas in WC3, and this was re-iterated in every literature involving the Sunwell INCLUDING the heritage armor quest.
What happened was Arthas corrupted it, and Kael’thas destroyed it because the death energy would have killed the entire race if left alone.

TBC they re-ignite it and renew it.

Per the devs, the sunwell’s effect is cleansing AND golden eyes. So there are high/blood elves who would not receive gold because they do not devote themselves to the Light.

I don’t see the need for dramatics.

I did dude.
The answer was simple.

There is no lore saying DK eye colors MUST be this way. Considering we have seen DK’s with other eye colors from the same generation, that alone immediately shatters this nonsense of “only blue”.

The only generation that started differently was generation one.

Teron Gorefiend revives himself using death magic in TBC>

2nd/3rd/4th gen are all Death knights raised by the LK, and all of them have various cases of different eye colors besides blue.

Body corruptions do not transfer with death, so I am unsure where you get this notion. Teron Gorefiend is revived by you in TBC after he was annihilated in the past.

I mean…sure…I don’t see a reason not to, since there are class specific options in the past like DH and DK.

The troll DK, Alistra, Thassarian, are all members of the scourge and not blue eyed, along with several other official blizzard DK art depicting other eye colors as well.
Blue is meant to be easy, its a design choice, not a hard lore argument.
Unless Blizzard says “DK’s can’t have any other color”, it is a possibility.


You can find exceptions for almost anything. Some pointed out that Thassarian was killed and raised as a death knight before Arthas had the helm of damnation. Yet on the cover of the Death Knight manga Thassarian is shown with blue eyes
wow.gamepedia . com/Death_Knight_(manga)

Alistra is an anomaly, and doesnt make sense. Shes the only DK NPC in game with red eyes, if she even is a death knight. All we know about her (to my knowledge) is that shes allied with the scourge, becomes a death knight trainer (for unholy DK’s at that), and has red eyes. Using that as a device to say that DK’s can have red eyes because this one random NPC with absolutely no character background whatsoever is a stretch to say the least.

If it was meant to be an easy design choice and not for lore, wouldn’t it have been easier to give DK’s the Thassarian treatment and just not give them any eye glow at all?

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anyone looking for this can find it here:

Ion himself saying that is not gonna be enough to convince that guy lol.

The issue is that there are other DK’s within Thassarian’s generation such as Kol tiras who is raised into undeath after the invasion and his eyes were blue. So it is clear that the eye color isn’t necessarily uniform.
Even then, if we consider second gen different from third gen, we still have varous examples from the third gen to draw from.

Alistra is considered a DK since if I remember right, she does possess the characteristic runeblade at the Light’s hope Chapel battle that is unique to only DK users.
If blizzard had only wanted blue eyes, they had plenty of opportunity with the trolls, dwarf, lady alistra, and other NPC’s. It is prettywillful.

It is easier for you to just change the eye glow color and use the same head, than it is to draw up a new head and eyes.
Keep in mind how old this game is. Variety isn’t present most of the time because the game runs on an old Warcraft 3 engine.

I mean…his response was in regards to people asking why the LK’s eyes were blue when they were shown red in WotLK. That is taking things out of context dude.
Again, there has never been a statement saying the 2nd gen DK’s and up can ONLY have blue eyes. It may be the most common characteristic, but it is not the only one.


See? lol

He will disregard ANYTHING that is against his point of view, don’t waste time on him.

Why would I not use reasoning and logic instead of taking his words out of context? Your intolerance and baiting doesn’t lend your credibility, it just pulls away from it.

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I’m not beign intolerant, nor baiting.

You take things out of context way too much.

Everyone already called you out on that.

No one is taking his words out of context.

Player DK are supposed to be mirror to the Lich King. And Ion himself talked about the Lich King blue eyes, but for you, it doesn’t matter.

Teron Gorenfiend is a first gen DK, his red eyes are probably his ORC eyes, there is NO LORE that says he can’t have his ORC eye color on his possessed body, but for you, it doesn’t matter.

Deal with it. There are PLENTY of reasons for playable dk to have blue eyes. Using even the very first line the Lich King says to the player DK: “Everything that I am, I bestowed upon you”. It still won’t matter to you, because you want other eye colors. You can make ALL the noise you want claiming you are using logic, but in the end, you are just trying to use blizard inconsistency to prove your point of view.

Like you yourself said: dev words > player words.

So have fun.

Your intent does not match your words bud.

Again, this is simply popularity fallacy. Everyone thought blood elves were bad for thehorde because they were pretty. Everybody thought blood elves should stay with green eyes forever. The fact of the matter is that if you don’t have lore forbidding it and multiple instances of otherwise, then its perfectly acceptable.

And they would still do so. This merely creates an option for otherwise.

This is false equivalence.
Teron gorefiend goes from red eyes in his first body, to yellow eyes in the second body.
When the Sha of Anger possesses Panda guardians, they retain their eye color despite the Sha’s eye color being white.
When we see liches possess bodies, they dont transfer the original eye color of their bodies with them.
When you die, you’re a spirit, and the physiological characteristics of your body don’t transfer over. So in this one, we know it is not possible.

Why don’t you? I am not the one acting as if more options suddenly makes blue eyes no longer a thing.

So…when Shadowlands comes out…and if they put different colored eyes for DK customization…are you going to make a topic apologizing? The only one making a big deal about eye color is you, and its simply nonsensical


Again, this is simply popularity fallacy. Everyone thought blood elves were bad for thehorde because they were pretty. Everybody thought blood elves should stay with green eyes forever. The fact of the matter is that if you don’t have lore forbidding it and multiple instances of otherwise, then its perfectly acceptable.

Again, we do have PLENTY of reasons for the playable dk have blue eyes, you just choose to ignore them.

When the Sha of Anger possesses Panda guardians, they retain their eye color despite the Sha’s eye color being white.
When we see liches possess bodies, they dont transfer the original eye color of their bodies with them.
When you die, you’re a spirit, and the physiological characteristics of your body don’t transfer over. So in this one, we know it is not possible.

But there is no lore saying that they can’t transfer their original eye color. Is there?

So…when Shadowlands comes out…and if they put different colored eyes for DK customization…are you going to make a topic apologizing? The only one making a big deal about eye color is you, and its simply nonsensical

I’m most definetely not the only one.
You can use this topic as sample. How many are against more eye colors and how many are in favor? It might be a really small sample, but still works.

If Playable DKs are supposed to be a mirror to the lich king, and the lich king have his eyes for a reason, as stated by Ian, then there is your answer to the more eyes customization. It’s literally a case of 1+1=2.

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Your argument about them having blue eyes does not directly counter cases of them not having blue eyes. It is an argument for why they should keep blue eyes as an option, and not one I disagree on.

Your attempt at false equivalence simply does not work, and I have already explained to you why.
I have demonstrated cases where there are different eye color. Your response has been “lol you’re wrong no.”.
My response has been “this is why these two are different.”.
Your insist otherwise and claiming it is the same as my logic is disingenuous, and shouldn’t have warranted this second response.

You’re the only one who has been insulting on the matter. Others may disagree, but its not nearly as big a deal as you make it out to be.

No…no it wouldn’t.
Your sample size is too small for one.
It lacks random picking from those participating in the DK community.
It doesn’t work in any sense.

And DK’s would still be mirrors since they’d still have blue eyes as an option. You suffer no loss, and it allows DK’s access to other eye colors seen in game on other DK’s.
It provides you with both an LK theme and then some.
After all, Bolvar still had his red eyes after putting the helm of domination on, which made him Lich King and granted him the powers of said Lich King.
If you think it isnt active unless his eyes are blue, you’re not recognizing that the LK’s powers go beyond a snow storm and telekinesis.


I’m just going to answer this because I’m tired. You are doing the same thing. I have already explained to you why the blue eyes, hell a lot of people already had. So how come it’s not the same thing? Is it only valid, or logic, when it’s you saying?

Have fun at the game.

It isn’t the same, and I have demonstrated to you repeatedly why. Let us apply some logic. If being possessed by a spirit meant that you took their physical characteristics, why does the possessed person remain the same.
Why don’t blood elf DK’s keep their original eye color?
Why not humans?

The answer is simple, it is because of the magic involved, and the color of death knight magic has been shown to come in three flavors. Red, green, and blue.
With blue being impossible to change due to the way models are designed right now.

Hence, why it is different. This three times now. Needing another explanation is simply you sealioning.


It isn’t the same, and I have demonstrated to you repeatedly why. Let us apply some logic. If being possessed by a spirit meant that you took their physical characteristics, why does the possessed person remain the same.
Why don’t blood elf DK’s keep their original eye color?
Why not humans?

Ugh… Again, being reanimated, and possession are different things. You can sugarcoat all you want by saying both are the act of putting a soul in a body, but in the end, it’s a fantasy setting, and we don’t know how each of them works. Think about it this way: possession is forcefully taking what isn’t your own, reanimation is taking back your own body. The soul is something we barely understand in our own reality, let alone in a fantasy setting.
So yeah, you are doing the same thing, just trying to sugar coat it by using examples, already invalidated.

But we can argue all we want, I can say I don’t want, you can say you do want, it will be up to blizzard.

Hence, why it is different. This three times now. Needing another explanation is simply you sealioning.

And you say I’m the intolerant… lol

You say we don’t lose anything by having more customization, but too much customization can and will ruin class identity that we love.

We’ve been over this one already as well. At this point you’re simply refusing to counter my points. It is fine if you are against the idea. On the other hand, you’re not demonstrating a reasonable argument that counters mine effectively.

Well, I am trying to play chess, and you’re more interested in flipping the table to declare you’ve won.

If you really believe getting 2 colors associated with DKs is ruining the class identity then you aren’t thinking the matter out clearly.


If you really believe getting 2 colors associated with DKs is ruining the class identity then you aren’t thinking the matter out clearly.

It is part of the class identity, and too much customization will ruin it for some. Accept it.