You do realize many of these colors and the like are chosen out of convenience and ease of use, as well as to reflect the “cold” death that was commonly associated with the LK.
The sunwell was literally blown up by Kael’thas in WC3, and this was re-iterated in every literature involving the Sunwell INCLUDING the heritage armor quest.
What happened was Arthas corrupted it, and Kael’thas destroyed it because the death energy would have killed the entire race if left alone.
TBC they re-ignite it and renew it.
Per the devs, the sunwell’s effect is cleansing AND golden eyes. So there are high/blood elves who would not receive gold because they do not devote themselves to the Light.
I don’t see the need for dramatics.
I did dude.
The answer was simple.
There is no lore saying DK eye colors MUST be this way. Considering we have seen DK’s with other eye colors from the same generation, that alone immediately shatters this nonsense of “only blue”.
The only generation that started differently was generation one.
Teron Gorefiend revives himself using death magic in TBC>
2nd/3rd/4th gen are all Death knights raised by the LK, and all of them have various cases of different eye colors besides blue.
Body corruptions do not transfer with death, so I am unsure where you get this notion. Teron Gorefiend is revived by you in TBC after he was annihilated in the past.
I mean…sure…I don’t see a reason not to, since there are class specific options in the past like DH and DK.
The troll DK, Alistra, Thassarian, are all members of the scourge and not blue eyed, along with several other official blizzard DK art depicting other eye colors as well.
Blue is meant to be easy, its a design choice, not a hard lore argument.
Unless Blizzard says “DK’s can’t have any other color”, it is a possibility.