Recurring No-Show debuff one one character

Anyone ever get a recurring No-Show debuff? I had a disconnect at the end of a well lost game earlier today and wound up with a 15 minute debuff.

I logged out to level my classic character briefly and when I returned I had a 78 minute No-Show debuff.

Also, everytime I’ve logged back in since my No-Show debuff has been 78 minutes.

Lastly, it’s only on one of my characters despite supposedly being an account wide debuff?

Anyone ever have anything like this happen? Thanks.

This kind of sounds like it might just be a display issue or a misbehaving UI/Addon.

I’d recommend trying a Full UI Reset and see if that helps.


I appreciate the reply. Unfortunately it’s an actual debuff.

I waited for it to fall of my ret paladin, actually played a BG Blitz on him, then I logged off to grab some dinner. When I logged back on my debuff had returned and was set for an hour.

Extremely frustrating.

Well, what I suggested is the first step in basic troubleshooting. If you’re not going to give that a shot, even support is going to ask you to do that first.

It certainly doesn’t hurt to try.

If that doesn’t work, try getting the character killed or join an arena match as those are two ways to try and shed any sticky debuffs.