Recruit-a-friend reward bugged?

I think something is bugged with my Recruit-a-friend reward,let me explain in detail.

During Shadowlands expansion i recruited myself and made an account to get the rewards. I got 10/12 rewards from the old recruit-a-friend system.I let my sub lapse and the new system was introduced.From what I understood reading the other topics,i should get rewards on the new track.I bought 1 month game time on this same account when the new rewards were introduced and i seem to have not gotten any reward on the new Recruit-a-friend track and my old legacy reward is still 10/12.I bought game time again on this same account using token 2 days ago and i haven’t received any reward again.

From what i understand this account can provide me reward for 2 more months,since it says 10/12 months subscription provided.Recruit-a-friend tab shows this account as active with subcription,i can summon and invite characters from this account on my main to play with.

It shows i have an active recruit on both legacy rewards tab and the new rewards tab but i am not getting reward for either.Am i doing something wrong?I would like some information on this.I want to get the new rewards and i don’t want to waste money without getting any rewards.

Do both the recruited and the recruiter accounts have game time?


I am pretty sure I did. Looking at the purchase history,it looks like i bought 60 days game time on main account and 30 days using token for my recruited account when the new rewards where introduced.Right now my main account has 14 days game time left,so i should have gotten 1 reward now,right?

Do i have to wait 8 days for rewards even if I bought game time with gold?I assumed paying with gold is instant since there is no pending payment check.

When I have recruited myself the rewards were instant when paid by game time from a Token.

But I completed all previous rewards before the new system was introduced, so I didn’t have a mixture happening like with your situation.

This may take assistance from Blizzard to determine what is happening.

You can submit a ticket to see if they can help you.
