Recruit a Friend Links not working

I generated a recruit a friend link to invite some friends to play wow with me. When they click the link they get a message that says: ‘[My name] wants to play with you’ However when they login to their existing account (which has not played wow in over 24 months), they get an error message that says: Whoops! Something’s wrong with your link.

I have re-generated the link for them to test and they still get the same issue and it’s happening with multiple people. I have verified that my friends have not played wow in the past 24 months, they are not my recruiter (in the past).

I noticed a similar issue in the below forum. It looks like blizzard had to fix on their side:

Wonder if someone might take a look for me?

Thank you,

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I’d post in that thread, specifically because tech support is player to player on crashes and latency, and CS is more monitored, and is related to account issues. You could also monitor that thread for an update.

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Im getting the same error, copying the link, then logging in and getting an error “whoops something is wrong with the link” I have directly copied it multiple times on multiple browsers.

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Sorry, meant to quote this, it’s newer


Seeing this as well- thought I was going crazy trying to enter the link 5 times in incognito windows haha…

Ah thank you. I didn’t realize the difference between CS and Tech Support. The other thread looks like it was closed already. It was fixed for the user but no repeatable solution was posted. I will try to post a new issue in CS.

Thank you

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