You can still swipe. That’s the whole problem. Banning GDKP accomplishes one thing: ridding the game of a loot system that some people don’t like. It has little to no impact on RMT.
Trying to equate the AH to GDKPs is the most ridiculous argument that pro-GDKPers have come up with.
Theoretically if all RMT was eliminated from the game…the AH goes merrily on. The prices might fluctuate a little bit, but nothing major.
Meanwhile, GDKPs would cease to exist. Without RMT they’d fall apart. That big cut of gold you get comes from swipers. And the gold you use in future GDKPs originated from swipers.
Keep seething.
Why do you think this?
GDKPs would be much better with all gold buying / selling banned.
And as a matter of fact, naxx items would still be the most expensive thing in the game, and thus running GDKPs would be the best farm possible. Naxx items are expensive because you need 35 competent players, in bis gear - which takes a year+ to get - to dedicate 2-3 hours of their time fully focused. They have the lowest supply and highest demand by far of all items in vanilla wow.
We want to use our mains to make gold and be able to pvp / play alts. That’s the problem GDKPs solve. Otherwise people don’t play or buy gold.
Love how you intentionally omitted context in your cherry-picked quote. This isnt the first time youve trolled me, but its the last. More “view hidden reply” boxes to laugh at.
Do you really think GDKPs are being banned because “some people don’t like it?” Do you really think that the ability to buy gold, then use that gold to fast track to BiS gear has no impact on RMT? Come on now. Just bite the bullet and admit you want to buy BiS with real money. Dying on this hill is just… lol
Hard to say with confidence one way or another. What do you think early fresh GDKP pots would look like if they allowed GDKP? Do you think there would be more gold flowing through GDKPs or the AH?
Either way Blizzard’s negligence is a much bigger problem when it comes to botting and should have been the issue people called out waaaaay before they ever considering banning a community driven loot system.
I quoted the part I’d like to address, the part I’m interested in. I don’t have to find everything you say interesting.
Yes. That and Blizzard can exploit the distraction so they don’t actually have to invest further in dealing with bots. They don’t care about bots. They care about profits.
Currently in Era? No. I don’t think it has a big impact on current Era. I think most of the people who buy gold moved to fresh.
I’ve got two Atieshes earned through loot council loot systems. I don’t need GDKP. It’s just a good loot system.
Conspiracy and assertions with zero data, nice. Grats on the Atieshes tho I guess.
You can still swipe. And nothing will happen, maybe a slap on the wrist. And guess what? Swiping is as strong as ever on Anni realms.
Just out of curiosity where do people think the gold for gdkps come from?
Cool, I am now “you people.” Where are you getting data from to prove that Swiping is as strong as ever? Please link so I can get up to speed with you.
That’s an odd question to ask. How would any one of us know what all the others are thinking?
I never called you “you people”.
Look at the AH and look at the Nightslayer disc trade channel. People are paying 450g+ for Shadowcraft Boots, 700g+ for Freezing Band, 2500g for Cloudkeeper’s Legplates. Flasks are 100g+. The prices for a month old server are outrageous and people are paying them.
I personally find it very hard to believe they are farming this gold by themselves, but I could be wrong.
I responded to you but that was more of a general question, my apologies for any confusion.
I think banning boosting and setting an AoE cap will have far greater of an impact than banning GDKP’s. Hit em at the source.
We all know Blizzard won’t do any of that though, better to take the easy way out and just blame GDKP’s.
We’re all going off of no data here, pal.
Do you think Blizzard was going off of no data?
i like me a gdkp but i burst out laughing at this part.
Do you think Blizzard is honest with you? Do you think Blizzard has any obligation to be honest with you?
Idk but I’m not really in the business of discussing conspiracy theories in fact-based discussions. Take your tin-foil hats elsewhere.
You guys banned the loot system we enjoy, where do you want us to go lol
There were no GDKP threads until the psyops led by gold sellers to ban gdkps was started during early sod.
I’m not saying you can’t post about wanting GDKP, but I see no purpose getting in to a debate over what the big conspiracy is with Blizzard fooling the masses and heading up the gold farm operation from within, which is what I was responding to.
No you’re in the business of eating. You eat the
they feed you.
Tokens in WotLK Classic. Need I say more?
Blizzard is a zombie. An animated chunk of rotting flesh with maggots spilling forth. It died long ago and is now just being exploited for profit. If we continue to accept the they feed us that’s what we’ll keep getting.