Back in the day, I was one of the people who was upset by granting BG wins xp because I’d put in a lot of resources and time into gearing out twinks. Back then, I thought I was “fighting the good fight” just like you think you are. My friends were honourable and fun players I enjoyed playing with and against and twinking suited me a lot. I didn’t understand why people were so angry about a sytem that didn’t affect them all that much.
On the opposite side of the argument, I opposed multiboxers. And now I oppose GDKPs AND boosters.
when I was ~17 years younger I didn’t realise or want to know just how upsetting it was for others when they zoned into a BG and were hopelessly outmatched because of the gear differential between them and twinks.
Because of all your degrees, it’s pretty certain that you can realise what inflation can do to a wow realm but you just don’t want to admit to the unwanted externalities that your preferred GDKPs produce:
gold RMT sales for wholesale rates by raid leads and MTs and purchases at retail rates by credit card players
rampant botting because of the above
massive inflation to the game economy
which all results in regular players not being able to afford mats, let alone GDKP runs. You want a recipe for a runecloth bag? Good luck snagging one when botters can park a bot next to the vendor to buy it up the instant it appears. There’s 25 recipes for runecloth bag on the AH and they’re all for 50g each.
players being able to put a direct gold / hour cost on any instanced encounter they get into which leads to lower tolerance for normal events such as wipes, deaths and even players going afk because they have to take care of cats / kids / grandparents.
Like me before with twinking, you like GDKPs so much you don’t want to see the harm they do. Twinking didn’t even cause any harm and I can see now why its not in retail.
Very good points. I’m playing a video game which isn’t perfect but chat channels aren’t spammed by boosting and GDKP ads 24x7. I made some questionable profession decisions and I’m running everywhere at lvl 42 because I’m still a few gold short of the money for a mount. When I buff a rogue while passing and they give me their lowbie mana pots, its an interaction that has meaning because of scarcity.
It didn’t go down at all; it was just swept under the rug, so to speak, and can be interpreted as there being a reduction when there was theoretically none at all…
Bump! After spending some time looking into it, I’ve come to realize that a handful of GDKPs are still operating smoothly, with no real repercussions. Despite all the talk about policing gold buying and bots, it seems like these groups are flying under the radar and still running strong. It’s a testament to the fact that the system can work just fine when managed properly. Whether you love it or hate it, GDKPs are still going strong and filling the gaps for players who need a flexible, fair way to progress without the drama.
Appreciate your reply, but I think that’s where we fundamentally differ. I don’t necessarily agree with the rules as they stand. GDKPs provide a system that works for a lot of players—flexible, efficient, and relatively fair when managed well. The rules against them seem to stifle something that fills a real gap in the game, especially for those who can’t commit to traditional raiding schedules or want a less drama-filled way to progress.
I think it’s worth questioning whether the rules themselves need re-evaluating to better reflect how the community actually plays the game. Just because something is “against the rules” doesn’t automatically mean it’s inherently bad or harmful, and I’d argue GDKPs are a good example of that.