Reconsidering the Ban on GDKPs in Classic WoW

GDKP allows you to buy loot with gold. Who do you think you’re fooling with this nonsense?

GDKPS allow you to earn gold by playing even after you have all the loot you need.

Yes, it does open up more options to buy loot with gold, but you already can do that through the auction house with plenty of gear.

People who swiped before are still swiping now. Only now they are using that gold to inflate the auction house instead, hurting everyone.

Anniversary will die the same way sod is without gdkp players to carry late phases. An empty ghost town with delusional self righteous players clutching their pearls and wondering where it all went wrong, refusing to see what is right in front of them. It is they that killed this game everyone loved.

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Cool, so spend your swiped gold on the AH or else go back to era. The rest of us will get loot the old fashioned way. Thanks.

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SoD isn’t dead lol. It’s hilarious that you swipers think any game without swiping is dead.

We don’t care if you leave the game. In fact, we prefer that you do.


I am sure you believe that if you keep telling yourself this, one day it will be true. But it is not.

I am not you. Stop projecting.

Said the last player of the game, satisfied that every other player has left and is all alone on their empty game.

I literally raid on SoD every week. Keep coping.

Yeah, you are.

The game will go on long after you leave. No one will miss you or care. You’ll never actually leave anyway because you’re addicted lol.


Proves nothiing.

Not me, that is you.

I am you? I can’t be because I don’t swipe, but you do.

I am not addicted, I simply like playing with my friends. And at this time, I only play Cata and just raid with my guild. (Because sod is dead and vanilla is boring due to no gdkp.)

This is true for you also, and anyone else playing this game, so not sure why you felt the need to point out the obvious. Though some people (you) are more irrelevant than most.

Proves that it’s not dead. Use your brain lol.

“I know you are but what am I!!” Yeah, that’s why no one takes you seriously.

You’re a swiper and we literally do not care if you never log in again.

Yes you are, you’re addicted and will never quit this game. That’s a fact, so I’m not really worried about being the last player.

Nope, that’s why Blizzard banned GDKPs for players like me. They want me to play the game. They want you to leave it.


Why is this swiper trying to argue with me? Stop it bro you are nobody.

Lol, so your rebuttal is to throw a tantrum?

I’m a nobody, but at least Blizzard is making the game for players like me. You’re just here to be ignored and to pay $15 a month so that we can play our game without GDKP.

Deal with it.

Holy cringe, Batman.

It didn’t have to be this way, you know. You guys could have just taken a basic Econ course at some point. Probably lots of good free ones online.

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They aren’t. It’s just desperation because they actually have no idea what they are doing.

People actually like playing differently than you do and you can’t handle it. Cope and seethe.


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They are, that’s why there’s no GDKPs despite you throwing a tantrum for the past month about it lol.

Don’t have to, they banned GDKPs lol. Great reply man lol. Your way of playing is invalidated. Deal with it.


To be clear, GDKP isn’t banned in WoW Classic. It is banned only in SoD and on Anniversary realms.

What is it that people think are the issues with GDKPs? It seems like what you’re talking about it all relevant to gold buying.

I don’t think gold buying is the issue at all. Or even an issue per se, but that’s an aside. The issue of GDKPs seems to be that it leaves out people who want to do nothing, show up without any gear or effort and have equal rolls on all items because “I paid my subscription.”

Solve that problem and the GKDP problem (or any other problem) goes away. Look at who the devs are catering to.


I have yet to see you or any of the other GDKP fanboys answer why you need GDKP on anniversary realms when you already have it on era. If you want GDKP that badly, it’s already available to you. Go play era.

Why do you need no gdkp on anniversary when you have it on sod? Go play sod.


SoD isn’t the same game as classic. You can’t possibly be this stupid.


TBC isn’t the same game as era. You can’t possibly be this stupid.


Are you now arguing we need era servers with a GDKP ban too? Because this point isn’t in your favor.

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I will leave this thread with one last message.

The morons who attack every pro gdkp message are the worst players in the game. They cannot handle people playing differently than them. They lack the mental capacity to understand that gdkp can exist without gold buyers if blizzard actually did something about the people buying gold, rather than half cocked response like banning gdkps.

They believe they have some kind of moral high ground. They don’t. They are simply Karens being Karens and unfortunately they got the ear of a dev.

One of the things that makes wow the best out there is that gold actually means something. You can farm it up and get an advantage. Player agency controls what you can buy with gold, and restricting this by arbitrability implementing a gdkp ban goes against what makes wow great. In a perfect world, we could have gdkps and eliminate all illegal gold in the same game, but blizzard is not willing to manually monitor their game and go with the cheapest option to save themselves time and money. It’s a shame.

The fact that people don’t understand this and actively attack pro gdkp stances is sad. It doesn’t stop with gdkps. They now lash out and attack HR runs and as much as I despise these runs, I would never support a ban on them. It WILL NEVER STOP until the game is a touch screen mobile game. There will be no master loot, no personal loot, when the mob drops an item it will be given to everyone and increase their damage by exactly 2%. Everyone will have the same spells that do the same amount of damage

There will be nothing in your control in the end.