Reconsidering the Ban on GDKPs in Classic WoW

No the only competitive thing for pvp is arena.

It for sure isn’t wsg rofl

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Arena isn’t a good layout for competitive pvp. Too basic of a gamemode.

You can see that by the fact it is plagued by scripts that auto cast abilities, this is because the possibilities are so limited.

Any good pvp game will be far more complicated than 2v2 TDM. At the core of pvp is strategy and teamwork.

You’re using a niche example of people cheating.

Sorry but wsg isn’t competitive, it’s which team has the better druid and uses more consumes lmfao.

There is nothing competitive in all of era, it’s a low skill game with a bunch of low skill players who have spent 20 years playing the easiest version of wow.

WSG in Era has potential to be 100x more competitive than anything from tbc onwards - because they made the pvp and classes bad with changes and resiliance.

While arena is fun it can never be a good competitive pvp mode because it is overly simple, they are just multi player duels in small areas. There is always a somewhat clear victory path that should be followed.

The best pvp games are amazing because players can be so creative and there is no clear standard approach.


Your vision of competitive PVP is who has the better druid and who spent more on raid consumables.

I’m assuming both druids are the same skill and have bags full of consumes.

My vision of good pvp incudes, fighting, teamwork, strategy, and objectives that are more complicated than kill one player and win.

I come from dota and vanilla wsg is the only wow pvp that come close to being as exciting

The person hiding behind a level 34 with no achievement points is funny.
So much anger in an ironically small gnome body. Don’t get why they are so upset with everyone all the time outside of them just projecting.

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You literally just described arena except everybody’s on an even playing field.

You don’t need to spend more than the other team on consumables.

You don’t need to have the better druid.

All of what you said is required to kill that one person to win the arena

My issue with arena is how boring it is.

Yes it is fun to fight people, but I want real pvp with objectives that aren’t kill someone within the 40 yard building.

I’m not saying being top of arena ladder doesn’t take skill, it def does.

What i’m saying is that arena is low tier pvp compared to what is possible even if they just added ranked queue in vanilla WSG.

sounds like you got farmed

There’s a reason blizzard made arena their esport and not wsg.

Because arena is the only competitive PVP

There is a reason why arena is insular and dying lmao. Same competitors for ten years now.

WoW community destroyed their pvp arm - look at retail they even removed pvp servers.

Nearly all the players that wanted competitive pvp quit to other games by original WOTLK… nobody wants to spend months regearing their toon every patch just to pvp.

Wow never figured out how to do competitive pvp - this is their chance and wsg is the best option.

Other games also had bad patches that made them worse overtime, but blizzard is lucky to have vanilla (the best pvp version) and it is attracting old pvp players that quit years ago. This is why retail ‘rank 1 pvp gods’ or whatever title they have, constantly get pwned by random vanilla players.

I don’t even hate arena. Different strokes for different folks. Guy is just a hater and compensating for something.

Your coping they did figure it out it just went downhill later on

If they want to add actual competitive PVP to era they would add arenas.

That’s like you walking up to me and being like hey I know you’re 2400 rated in arena but let me see your WSG record lmfao…

Nobody does that because it’s not competitive.

Because it has no MMR.

Add MMR just like the dota ranked queue works to WSG and it would be 100x more competitive than arena overnight.

And no - it cannot have a timer. and the MMR needs to be tied to players not team. or else it will just be more retail trash.

Jokes write themselves.

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They tried it with RBGS it didn’t stick.

It also wasn’t competitive

You’re factually just wrong

Arenas have been the only actual competitive pvp.

Didn’t RBGs have team-based MMR?

If one has to find a team to queue it will always be bad.

Also - its hard to explain to you - but after vanilla wow pvp is just bad. The classes are bad, resilience is bad, even the aesthetics get way worse.

Try to forget everything you know about retail because it is harming your view of good pvp games I think

Guy is talking out of his pooper. AWC players have given vanilla WSG its props on record. All because it’s not widely popular means nothing.