Reconsidering the Ban on GDKPs in Classic WoW

You couldn’t have shown me anything I’m not downloading a private server… And I don’t have an era toon anymore because I went to TBC…

Unless you think clearing Naxx an era is somehow a huge feat?

If I’m middle of the pack you’re not even on the meters my little man

You don’t already have a PTR ready to go? So you’re a poser, it’s cool.

I cleared it in 2017 on LH, in 2020 in Classic, and again on Era for funsies. I lost my geared char to TBC too but I simply started again because I actually enjoy vanilla. Have fun in Dragon Soul, dog.

It’s literally why you hide on some trash rat.

I have better logs

I have done more

I have better arena ratings

I have cutting edges

I am higher Rbg ratings.

There’s literally not a single thing in WoW I’m not better than you at.

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Let me know if you need a carry through SM, homie. I’d be happy to help.

Just let me know if you need a carry in any raid or a boost in arenas.

Stick to SM dog.

You have done nothing in this game for 20 years except suck at it.

We could compare logs right now.

We could compare arena ratings right now

We could compare RPG ratings right now.

We both know you can’t though because your dog at everything

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I don’t need boosts because I’m not a retail player. I just enjoy the game and don’t need any accolades to boost my ego. Let me know when you’re 60 on Anniversary in six months and we can finally jerk each other off.

You have no achievements.

You haven’t done anything in this game ever not even in any of the classics.

That’s why you post on that rat.

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I guess two questions:

  1. Why would the items belong to one player more than the other?
  2. Why would you raid with a group that would purposefully bid to increase price on you?

GDKPs are pugs just like SR / MS > OS - there are good ones and really bad ones.

But only one gives a reason for geared toons to raid and incentivizes players to play well.

I have a nef tear in the bank because mages were to broke to pay a proper amount and I’d rather collect it for what is basically a naxx payout then let it go so cheap.

It belongs to people that actually use it. Why in any other system would you allow people to buy someone from another out of spite when they cannot use it?

You don’t always pick and choose who you raid with. GDKP is vaunted as having higher quality pugs, but when you pug GDKP you have a chance to raid with some really caustic people.

You’re fried if you can’t understand how incredibly toxic this is. I’ve seen an alli raid DE Mind Quickening Gem because the ONE mage that needed it couldn’t pay 10k. Don’t sit and wonder why GDKP is banned and the average player hates it when you condone this behavior.


Too bad you don’t have a character on Era because you’re a fake fan and will move on to the next hype. Can’t wait to see you rank in AV if you ever manage to make it to 60.

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Well the naxx GDKPs all form in discords and tend to have been going for a long time.

Lower end runs are wild west.

Don’t expect bis if you can’t outbid someone who is using a single-cut to pay for it.

In fresh everyone can progress and I guarantee you a nef tear will be way harder to get than a naxx cut on Era.

Because era is trash… Saying what you just said already shows everybody you’re bad at the game.

You can’t move on because the game gets too hard for you.

Also my era logs are better than yours…

Era players are garbage especially the ones who only play era.

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lmfao. No one cares what you have to say, spaz. Queue warsong or shut up.

Writing it in MLA format doesnt make it any better

Not the case in SR. If a guild messes with loot, they become known for it and their attendance suffers from it.

Did I say it wouldn’t? No guilds are going to allow any BWL trinket to be SR’d in their pug, reasonably so. That makes items like tear ten times more exclusive which is a good thing in an MMO.

I spent years not having rejuv gem drop on this paladin (while having everything else, and that nef tear was actually in my healing rotation for a tiny bit until I got the gem). While I was after it I did plenty of SR BWL.

The runs were almost always bad, full of wipes, and all the under geared healers put SR on rejuv gem. Total waste of time to take a geared toon into those.

And absolutely zero reason to ever go if one doesn’t need a rare item.

Sure, if we reduces total raids by 10x the item is more rare, but personally I rather have successful pug raids at all times of the day.

But to each their own.

Lmfao no one cares about wsg.

My guy the more you talk lmfao.

This man said queue wsg rofl

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I hope you realize all wow players are basically near the same skill at the topend. Blizzard has failed to make anything actually competitive to get a good ladder.

But keep in mind, many vanilla players quit wow when it gets bad (after vanilla) and spent last few decades playing dota, leagues, or whatever - pvp games with more than a few hundred good players in their ecosystem.

You’re embarrassing your guild lol.


I’ll agree there. Vanilla wsg is the only possibly competitive pvp in all versions of wow.

The other versions are mostly who can stomach the bad gameplay.