I spent more time playing last night and found the same issue. I don’t understand what they are using to test functionality but it’s not working.
I see several reckoning stack on my combat log that are not being utilized. Especially when it’s a messy battle with lots of spells being thrown around. I turned on sticky targeting and removed bindings to that would turn off my auto attack and I still walk up to my target and swing once. At this point I can’t even pinpoint the scenarios as there are simply too many to test.
In fact even the swing timer reset seems to not work. Which is fine by me as long as I keep my stacks.
I’ve spent a couple of days in AV since the hot fix and I can’t get consistency with reckoning either. Nothing makes sense. I’ve been in isolated 1v1’s with auto-attack active the whole time and no procs from crits. Other times I’m in auto-attack with a rogue, change targets to a clothy and BOOM!
Players have to be able to gauge their abilities. Perform actions with reasonable expectation of result. Reckoning simply fails at this.
I would at least ask the dev team to revert reckoning to how it was Pre-BG until a bug proof fix is found. Right now fun levels are at a record low.
Why are my charges locked to the person I’m targeting. Switching targets is usual business in pvp, so we need to choose to be on the wrong target to bomb or switch and lose all of our stacks.
When a mage ice blocks… do we just stand there? If we change targets we lose stacks
Even in 1v1 situations this doesn’t make a lot of sense. If a hunter charges me, i get to him right click and he feigns death - we lose all our charges. If a rogue stunlocks us, we right click or have auto on but he vanishes - we lose all stacks.
IIt should be - get crit, I get a charge, then I choose a target. Stacks shouldn’t go away until I bomb and shouldn’t be locked to my current target.
Could this be 15 years of distorted memories coming back? The data doesn’t match 1.12 and all the evidence is not 1.12 its prior to 1.12 or after. Doesn’t matter, you need a snippet of correct 1.12 data to support claims. If you guys want it fixed then just find it.
argh me man
found a rogue
works like a charm
We need an US account to report this bug tbh.
BG=broken. WORLD=working.
StorhammareToday at 12:12 PM
they prob hired 1 guy so save some damn money https://streamable.com/w5j4l
StorhammareToday at 12:20 PM
Getting crit during swing just puts it back at 0. So you get a stack but its only a white melee if AttackON. If attackOFF and crit in middle of swing you will hit 2 hits after the timer ends.
So basically what i gather from all of this is, we basically want to swing, immediately press a /stopattack macro to avoid is resetting our swing timer and effectively gaining nothing lol. Oh and NEVER EVER Switch targets.
Anyone else know of a talent/ability that requires you to ensure you aren’t switching targets and have to disable auto attack after every swing so you actually gain stacks properly?
more current gameplay from live classic inside AV since open world Reck is currently functioning differently than inside instances/battlegrounds:
StorhammareToday at 12:32 PM
Drakova: Hits mage - Gets swing timer.
Mage: Cone Of Cold crit for 1063.
Drakova: Swing 0.7 sec resets and becomes 1 white hit.
Mage: Arcane explosion crit 444.
Drakova: Swing 2.2 sec resets and becomes 1 white hit.
XavoToday at 12:33 PM
that also looked right?
watched it at 0.5x speed, he eats a crit and swings which is expected behavior no?
StorhammareToday at 12:35 PM
Well if this is the intended function it should state: Instantly returns an attack when critically hit. or something
XavoToday at 12:35 PM
yeah tooltip is rough for sure
but every thread from vanilla suggests that it worked this way if your AA was on
StorhammareToday at 12:37 PM
well yea then this is fine
If they make it work as it works in world I think we’re in goal
It is abit better than vanilla but worse than the bugged classic version
So after the fix
Reckoning is still inconsistent
I get stun locked and crit 10 plus times and will have no stacks when attacking one target I have not switched off from
When it was clearly highlighted by the blue post it isn’t supposed to do that
Good job blizz
Bump, would really like a reply to this blizzard. Knowing what your intentions are around this subject moveing forward.
You say aunthenticity is very important to you, and that is all the paladin community is asking for at this point. If this change stays in effect, threads regarding it get locked without a proper response or any form of communication, I will be cancelling my subscription renewal.
I’ve enjoyed the experience thus far, and understand you want to stop exploits, with your latest decision on addressing a supposed bug involving a trinket you’ve seemingly inadvertently destroyed an iconic, and truly authentic aspect of the vanilla experience.
Vanilla had crazy reckoning paladins, and they were ferocious, now but a memory all over again.
At this point it feels as if whoever is in charge of handling this has been hit in the face with a reck bomb one to many times and just has it out for paladins.
I’m extremely disappointed so far in the lack of communication, and saddened that it seems as though I and the other members of the community won’t receive any in return.
…again in AV here. Just got crit 5x by rogue during cheap shot. Turned on him and nudged him once with my sword.
Look at Drakova in this latest video:
This is plainly broken!
Would Blizzard like to give ANY kind of statement regarding this? Even just an acknowledgment that there is an issue, or that they are aware of our posts?
Nah. They won’t say anything. We will be ignored as they always have ignored paladins 15 years ago.
Blizzard, your reckoning changes in the current classic IS NOT the same as it was 15 years ago. Reckoning charges are not combo points. You have changed an ability to work differently then the way it worked in vanilla. I thought there were supposed to be #nochanges?
Stop locking our threads and have a discussion with your customers. This is unprofessional and I will no longer give you ANY money until you fix this. Jesus Christ blizzard.