Reckoning after 2nd “Hotfix” still BROKEN

So now you admit is an exploit or a bug? Double standards much.

True - slam is still broken though. It should be pausing the swing timer. Slam spec was only viable to alliance and the vanilla rotation was to cast it the moment after your auto attack landed. This one today is abusing an in game bug (in my opinion) to cast slam while not pausing the swing. Mages cant continue wanding while while casting a spell.

Whats not working with it now?

lol read what you just wrote…

Slam is supposed to STOP auto-attack completely - you even admit it below

I did admit that its broken - the same as i said reckoning was broken… Im on no crusade to keep an exploit/bug in the game though, unlike others on these very forums pushing to keep exploits in the game that only benefit their class.

didn’t you say that /sit + spell batching was an exploit?

even though it is confirmed from multiple vanilla era videos and the author of the patch 1.10 era reckoning sticky guide?

besides, blizzard specifically targeted stop attack macros from working with reckoning and hand of justice - if that is the new standard, then Slam needs to be similarly nerfed as well

I said it became an exploit because due to the ‘not a bug’ data they clearly took steps to prevent it from happening but players are abusing the interaction.

On its own it wasnt a gamebreaking overly powerful tool, but paired with a paladin to generate a 100% chance to generate an extra attack this is where i had the issue - now that its fixed the sit/stand spam has no real bearing on the power of a player

I agree 100%. Slam wasnt pausing auto attack pre these changes - now it is. There is still some interaction with stopping your auto attack and starting it again allowing both slam to cast and auto attack to count down - this needs to be hotfixed

You will still loose stacks when canceling an auto attack, wether it be clicking off of your target, casting an ability that interrupts your auto attack (hammer of justice, judgement, etc). This is by far the biggest problem!

Instead of delivering an extra attack, depending on where you are at in your current swing you will instead get a hastened auto attack (Parry).

Unsure if the following are still not working.

Do you still loose stacks when loosing control on your character (Stun, fear, etc)?

Do you still loose stacks when out of range or being hit from behind?

Do you loose stacks when mounting?
(One player claims this has been fixed.)

The main problem is knowing that hand of justice had an exploitable bug where you could get extra attacks, in order to fix this, which I believe was the correct decision, blizzard implemented a fix as the battleground patch came out. The problem still remaining that this has inadvertently conflicted with a core aspect of vanilla paladins, and broken the way reckoning works completely, it is simply at this point a waste of talent points in any build to spec into this talent.

After two “hot fixes” it is still worthless, myself and others are tired of readdressing this over and over again. Very disappointed.


Reckoning is still absolutely broken. The talent is not at all functioning like vanilla, and is basically a Classic+ version. You should not be dropping stacks when switching targets or due to CC like how it is currently functioning, especially in battlegrounds. After extensive testing the talent is still not working as intended, and honestly I’m extremely disappointed. Entirely overhauling a playstyle that people spent months practicing and gearing for is just heartbreaking.


confirmed… its definitely beyond broken in its current state.

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Still broken. Still no response.

Why didn’t my Reckoning bomb go off?
The following things can cause you to drop your charges:

  • Ending a Duel

  • Mounting up

  • Autoattacking too early (e.g. from out of range)

  • Zoning in or out of an instance

  • Using repentence

  • Switching Weapons (UNCONFIRMED)

There are several situations where this will fail, namely if you are stunned or otherwise cc’d, and if the enemy is out of range.

Additionally, the spell at its present state is not working quite as intended. Instead of an instant strike, Reckoning will shorten the cooldown of your swing timer to 0… which means that after it triggers, despite how much time you lost until swinging, you have [Your weapon speed] seconds until your next hit. Ideally, the instant attack would be independant of your regular swings, but this is not the case. Still, reckoning will provide some boost to DPS in all situations, although how far through your swing timer you are when you get crit will have a very significant effect.

Looks like reckoning does work like how Blizzard said more or less. Good keep up the good work Blizzard by fixing these issues.

Oddly enough, all those complaints I see here are also written by Bacon who is considered to at least know what he was talking about.

looks like trollmeister kulzuk has returned…didn’t you spew ad nauseam that /sit + spell batching would not result in reck charges?

any who - given the amount of changes that have gone through and bugs that have now required three hot fixes on Blizzard’s part, this is what I wrote two weeks ago:

Baconn himself stopped updating the Reckoning guide and since was written in patch 1.10, needs to be at least updated to the conditions set in Blizzard’s internal 1.12.1 reference client

Glad to see this still getting some attention’ nonetheless

Unsubbed. Uninstalled.


Any updates on fixing Reckoning as it’s still broken?

Posting to keep this alive. Would like to some day play Reckoning again.

Good thing it matches the 1.12 client. You can play it now if you want.

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It actually doesn’t, if you were ever a pally back in 1.12. Clearly you haven’t played one and have a bias, so your points are kinda… well, pointless. Thx for the bump, tho.

Kind of weird all your complaints match what this guide says, you will never have your private server reckoning.


Nothing in this thread is a bug except changing targets dropping stacks.

Mounting, attacking from out of range, starting then stopping an attack, losing control of your character, absolutely everything else mentioned here is intentional and how reckoning worked in vanilla.

Shut up and stop spamming this forum. I’ve already seen like 8 Reckoning threads closed. It was and always will be a complete meme spec that works once in a blue moon.

Sorry you can’t spam sit in front of a mob 5 times then go mount and one shot someone every 30 seconds like on private servers. Even on private servers, it was a completely useless spec. Every reck paladin just queued AV, sat in front of some Rams at the bunker chokepoint, then whacked someone heading north only to do it again on repeat ad infinitum 5000 times a day.

And, yes, this was common knowledge:

You can’t complain now that a spec that never should have worked in the first place got fixed. Not how it works.


Much love on posting the OG reckbomber. McHammar

As a paladin who played reck in 1.12 I 100% feel like its working 95% of what it was back then.

I highly advise people to adjust their play style to a more support style reckbomber. Stay in the back heal a lot, wait for a rogue/warrior to open up on you. Go one shot their healer. Repeat often.

+spell power reck is easily the best, Get your judgement armor on boys. Drop command and use rightousness.


Has nothing to do with Private server, try not to assume and actually look at the complaints not relating to Pserver quirks. I never played on a Pserver, and only basing this on how we played back in actual 1.12+.

The issues that are still persistent is that some Reckoning actions are not consistent. Having auto attack off while being critted (Standing), and swapping targets, should not lose stacks. This is apparently random at best. Just one example of the inconsistencies. If you’re not playing a pally, and you’re not concerned about this, that’s fine. But just because it’s a clutch spec to some of you, doesn’t warrant ignoring known issues.

So you acknowledge there are still bugs yes? So what’s your problem with us pointing it out? Most of us aren’t concerned with the Pserver quirks, or patching of an exploit. We’re concerned about actual bugs that aren’t being addressed.