Recent balancing. Shadow Priests

Hello, I am not usually one to complain. Recent pvp balancing has nerfed shadow priests into oblivion. Despite having good gear and pvp play I can not take on even inexperienced players. While agree those changes were necessary, however for spriests they have too great an effect. My suggestion is to increase spriest dmg output in pvp by 10-20% restoring balance. I am sorely disappointed a beast mastery pet can solo me.

As a priest I do not have other viable options to play in pvp to earn achievements and complete quests like “Fighting on two fronts”. My only recourse is to group up with other alliance players and attempt to grief the opposing faction at choke points.

I see that world pvp isn’t necessarily the focus of the pvp balancing changes, but I also feel like this all goes to far. Increase damage output for squishier classes in general and allow them a fair chance to ambush hunters while questing please. It really detracts from the game when we hit an artificial wall, especially after experiencing viable play in just recent earlier patches. Where I lost and won a fair share of my pvp encounters.

Thank you for considering this feedback.

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I thought Shadow Priests were pretty strong .:


They are :man_shrugging:


How recent? And I think you are mistaken; there isn’t any balancing this entire expansion unless we’re talking tune-ups and tune-downs.

You played ranged; that’s your problem. And priests indeed got the worst of it. Druid>shaman>mage/warlock>hunter>priest is the unofficial ranged totem pole. It’s been “know your place and shut your mouth”, sadly. The damage is fine, but we can neither avoid taking hits and actually withstanding hits.

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Despite having good gear? That’s very subjective…what is your gear score if you don’t mind me asking?

Not true at all


What changes are you specifically referring to? Can you share the link to the patch notes with the pvp changes?

I like to try to stay informed on class updates and the only recent priest changes I’ve found are healing changes in pvp which affects all priest specs and something about hallucinations only generating insanity in combat, which seems more like a fix than a nerf.

What is the the source please?

Can I have some of what you’re smoking?

Wrong generation to be asking me that.

Spriests work better in a group and can be very effective. Running around Solo just makes you another target.


Couldn’t be further from the truth.

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That’s like saying the first scientist to discover something has to get it right the first time. You may be right. I could have sworn I was postulating a THEORY. Well, are you going to challenge it with something closer to the truth or just sit there and make a statement anyone can make?

You didn’t even ask how I came up with it. Druids and shamans have comprehensive class toolkits. It gets more pruned the further down you go. But this is open world meta. That means as a hunter, there’s two ranged class/specs I can play loose against at ilvl: other hunters and priests(disc and shadow, the latter especially). Mages, locks, druids, and shamans I got to play tight.

I hope everyone understands tight and loose(sports terminology) in gameplay.

Didn’t need to ask. Based on your post history, your understanding of classes, pvp, wpvp and related abilities I know you’re wrong.


He read the 8.3 ptr changes and is calling that

The only thing we have to understand is you have absolutely no clue ever about what you’re talking about.


I know you’re yanking my chain there. OP posted 11 days ago and the PTR changes were announced 2 days ago.

Unless of course he’s psychic?

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Did I not say it the FIRST time it was unofficial? That means only OFFICIAL accounts need to challenge it. If you’re not a Blue or a Green, I’ll buy you a drink and kindly walk you out the door.

But you don’t know anything. At least I know something that can be proven true or false, but you know nothing. If you knew something, you’d have the pertinent information ready to go. You’d blow my mind with so much wonderful handy-dandy meta info that not only would I be brought down low, but I could actually UTILIZE THE INFORMATION TO MY ADVANTAGE OUT THERE IN THE FIELD.

If you’re not going to contribute at all, kindly shut up. I say this with a gentle smile. I want to learn, I want to improve, I want to get gudder. You can never quite get enough gud in my business. And if you’re just going to tell me that I’m wrong, I’d rather listen it from someone else who’s going to help me learn to be right.

Edit: Greater minds than us know exactly what’s up meta-wise. If there was something in the data that suggests that Shadow spec was really competitive, we would have seen a LOT more in representation and average ratings. However, for the odd spriest that still wants to operate in open-world, he has to practically learn how to get gud on his own. I’ve come to share my experiences that such a spec is below me on the ranged pecking order. I’m never going to get done in by a spriest 1v1 at ilvl, NEVER, and good luck to me finding one that’ll outgear me. However, this means the spec is in serious trouble, as all ranged are. The OP stated he cannot handle BM’s and I believe it to be truth. However, at the same time, we do have to remember that it’s one of Legion’s fallen-from-grace specs also, because Shadow used to be strong.

^ Don’t even need to sift through this verbose drivel to tell you that besides spriest, everything else you listed was wrong. Hunters are actually very good in wpvp. They have an amazing toolkit that shines in open world combat.


Not true at all

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I disagree. We got pruned a LOT and the only thing we can really contribute is damage, and the quality thereof is debatable. Hunters aren’t really that good at all: cheap turrets(made in China?). It hasn’t stopped me from keeping up with it the past three expansions except now where I’ll be retiring after S3.

Hunter is practically the newest stealth-capable class. That’s the only reason I play it. Coincidentally, it has the best stealth in the game(because camouflage is a better mechanic than stealth). It also boasts the best anti-stealth capability. Stealth is good for the solo’er and the solo’er providing support. I played it when it was weak and when it was strong, but I’m sick and tired of dealing with the far superior melee. When I had Deterrence, Disengage, Turtle, and “Perma” Cheetah back in WoD it was different. I bet you didn’t know we used to have this kind of utility.

We’re shadows of our former Focus Era glory.