Received wrong Item level from boss drop in Heroic Operation Floodgate

Won Jumpstarter’s Scaffold-Scrapers from the last boss in Floodgate on heroic difficulty. However they were Ilvl 606 instead of Ilvl 619 as the should have been


Hmm. Could it have been a warbound drop?

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Bind on pickup

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Are you sure-sure? All those items are available in warbound format, at least from raid and key modes. I would expect heroic to be similar.

Any BoP TWW gear has a chance to drop as bonus loot Warbound until Equipped, 13 ilvls (and 1 upgrade track) lower than normal.


Yeah that’s what it was. They should have made that an optional thing. I’ll have to do the same dungeons over and over till I get the items I want at 619. Which makes it incredibly hard to gear up. Thanks Blizzard…

Just think, back in the day (Burning Crusade), raiding weekly with the guild for months, just to possibly get one or two loot items in that time.

You can have nothing instead, as that’s the other option. These warbound items are extra drops, they aren’t replacing anything.


It drops as bonus loot, meaning it doesn’t count against regular drop rules. The alternative is you just get nothing there, because someone else in the dungeon got the regular loot.