Rebuilding guild LF YOU!

Adult guild, with no Drama

2 night a week lite raiding and transitioning into Mythic progression.

Fun group of guys who like to socialize and kill some raid bosses.

Raid Days: Tues/Sun 9-11:30 EST

Contraband -We are a group of friends that have played together for some time now. We all used to raid in a “hardcore” environment. We just no longer have the time to put into a group like that anymore.

We are currently re-building. Most of the returning players are coming back from a time away from the game. We have generally been a decent Mythic Prog guild in the past and that will be our goal for Shadow Lands as well. Our current progression is 5/12H (Just started back up). We are looking for like minded try hard players who prefer a “Quality over Quantity” approach to raiding. This method allows progression, without the need for a hefty time investment.

We have a Discord server and use it frequently.
If you’re class is not on the list but you feel you can make a solid contribution please contact one of us!

What we expect from you.

  1. No extra baggage. Don’t be a d-bag
  2. The willingness to learn. Or teach, help each other out.
  3. Attitude. We are very social, we spend lots of time together in and out of game. The last thing we need are downers and hot heads.

You can find us in game or by adding our btags. If you’re interested:


Can also look for Nypz Fangoriious Nippies in game