Reasons NOT to add dual spec

Red hair is the master hair. Deal with it.

Never heard of one. Whatā€™s it called?

Dude Retail hyperinflation didnā€™t happen until WoD ā€¦ thatā€™s 4 expansions AFTER blizzard brought duel spec to the gameā€¦ so this argument you have is completely invalid bud.

You probably wonā€™t believe this but I actually am a red head :joy::joy:

Naw hyper inflation started when they added the wow token, which they justified by saying they were combating gold selling sweat shops in China and WoD garrisons (which the vast majority of the community did not benefit from gold wise).

Talented classic. Itā€™s on curseforge.

People were screaming for dual spec during the original BC. The only reason it took till wotlk to get was thatā€™s how long it took for them to get it right.

Iā€™ll accept the ship has sailed on getting dual spec implemented for TBC. Itā€™s probably too heavy a lift for the dev team to get it in. But statements that dual spec was somehow tied to the class design of WoTLK are just flat out false.

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No. More DPS means you kill the Boss faster and get through problem phases faster. Itā€™s the same reason the first thing you drop is a healer for more DPS.

This is Raiding 101.

Ok but lets say you donā€™t have any extra people to fill the raid and not every boss in the raid requires the same number of healers?

no dual spec until bg queue times are less than 20 minutes

Iā€™m not talking about your bench.

Any fight where you think a hybrid build will be helpful is a fight where youā€™d be better off going full on DPS so the Boss dies faster. As I said this is basic Raiding.

If you have issues on a Boss thatā€™s usually bad DPS making the fight go longer. And Smite Priest is never the answer to that math problem.

You should be happy your Guild lets you run a meme spec like that since they obviously donā€™t care about performance. Even with that all Dual spec would do is allow you to play an optimized spec for the role thatā€™s needed.

The problem I have with the people advocating for dual spec is you could use this argument to justify almost any change from a future expansion.

Iā€™d really like shockwave for tanking, it would make a lot more warriors tank, and solve a problem with the game. But if I made threads asking for it, people would tell me to wait until WotLK.

I donā€™t see how asking for dual spec early is any different than asking for any other expansion feature or change early. Yeah, itā€™s got a lot of people that want it, and itā€™s arguably positive for the game. But Iā€™ve just never seen a convincing argument as to why you canā€™t wait one expansion.

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So your solution is to bench players and bring others in? While yes that would be more optimal it seems rather undesirable to force people to sit on fights just because itā€™s not the ideal comp. Hybrid builds are an alternative to forcing people to sit.

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Thatā€™s exactly what guilds did in actual BC. Class stacking was pretty bad come SWP. Blizzards reaction to late BC class stacking was class homogenization and the ā€œbring the player, not the classā€ philosophy. Devs have admitted in the past that early wowā€™s hybrid design didnā€™t really work in practice, because youā€™re better off swapping out for pures.

Where did I say that? I said using a meme spec is never the answer.
Any fight that you think you need extra heals can be covered by you just fine in Shadow spec.
Any fight that you need more DPS can be covered by you in Holy spec.

If neither of those is cutting it itā€™s a Raid comp and/or player skill issue.

Hows this for a stat. Random dungeon finder had the satchel system implemented to encourage people to queue as tank. If dual spec had a noticeable impact on tanks, why would new measures be put into place?

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