Reasons NOT to add dual spec

I wouldnt argue against the convenience of dual spec. Of course it’s a nice thing to have. I don’t think many people are arguing in here that dual spec is horrible and ruined the game. However, that doesn’t mean it belongs in BC.

Btw you could make same argument for people who only pvp, and never do dungeons or raids. There’s really no reason for them to ever leave pvp spec. So you could also people who don’t want it never raid too.

But if they won’t do it now what’s the harm of having spec lockout? Make it so it’s 100% impossible to do. Allowing it to be in rested area still allows for it to happen.

Because one limits what players can do and the other lets anyone play how they like sub optimal or not.

Except it’s been shown that there isn’t a reason to bring a crappy hybrid spec in any scenario. It’s always better to bring a full on DPS spec.

That doesn’t mean you can’t choose to play whatever way you want as long as your Guild is fine with your sub optimal choice.

Having Dual spec wouldn’t that’s not limited wouldn’t change that for you.

I think it’s redundant but I’d be okay with that compromise. That’s if Dual Spec were to even happen in TBC Classic, which I’m about 95% certain it won’t.

I can’t ever leave PvP spec anymore because it costs me 100’s of gold a day to try and switch between people doing premades at different times and people doing specific dungeons that I need at different times. I spec pvp, dungeons I need pop up. I spec pve, premades pop up. Needing to switch constantly based on groups being presented is extremely annoying and not all of us have time to farm money consistently and want to just pay for one and done so we can respec whenever and fully enjoy the game lol

You are saying it is better to have a full on DPS if you need another healer? Or are you just assuming there are people waiting in the wings to swap if needed?

Based on that statement that would mean healers aren’t even needed and you could just have a raid of tanks + DPS as long as a few of the DPS could throw a few crappy off-heals.

I don’t disagree with your points, but you’re gunna have to wait for WotLK for the solution to those issues. The odds of blizzard bringing in QoL features from future expansions to BC is very very low. If you’re expecting them you’re just gunna be disappointed.

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Gee a warlock able to make gold? who would have thought. Holy pally / priest says hello. Even your “fishing daily” on a pvp server requires being exposed as a healer spec. I say make dual spec ONLY available for healers or tanks. How bout that. Everyone gets a dps spec.

They made a $70 deluxe edition and created things that didn’t even exist in original BC and you’re telling me its out of the question for them to bring dual spec from wrath to bc? lol and I don’t expect them to do it - I focus on pvp anyways. Its just funny all these people defending blizzard and giving reasoning when its obvious blizzard doesn’t care about the audience, only money. They found a way to monetize gold farmers and people aren’t saying anything about that, lol.

Just make respeccing free

They said they’d talk to the community about the kinds of QoL changes we want to see. Unfortunately, Blizzard is unable to comprehend the fact that dialogue requires two parties but they straight up said they’re going to see what the community wants.

As a player who has played all of the Hybrid specs in WoW for 16 years, Duel Specing is not going to hurt anything you have mentioned in your post. All Duel specing will provide is a convenient way for players to swap between two specs saving them time and some gold to play the way they want too.

ATM I am leveling a BE Paladin. I m currently speced Ret so I can quest but I prefer to heal while doing dungeons so I have a healing set as well. Once I start doing Outland, I will have to spec Holy so I can do the dungeon rep farming grind to honored then switch back to Ret to quest again. Most people that play a hybrid class do the same thing I am doing. I enjoy playing 2 specs on my pally but you feel I should only be pigeon-holed to playing one spec because it preserves spec identity. LOLs. All it does is waste time changing specs back and forth; rather then, playing the game.

Classic WotLK is going to be the king and it is the closest the game will be to feeling like Retail and will be the most popular version to play because of the QoL changes like duel specing which made the expansion very successful and I am going to laugh my butt off at all the go back to retail trolls when this happens.

I disagree that a gold sink should be removed “because the job is already being done”

That’s like saying, “let us stop watering the lawn ever again because it’s green and healthy, but don’t worry the rain will water it now and then!”

Watering the lawn is one gold sink, the rain is the other gold sinks.

It’s working now because of ALL the gold sinks in game (and even then is falling behind slowly) so your solution is to remove gold sinks? You want to remove something for doing what is designed to do… gold is easy to come by, far more so in tbc. We need the gold sinks we have because in a few months we will be drowning in gold for anyone that actually PLAYS the game.

You can’t compare retail tanking with classic… retail is very much a zoomer gogogo attitude in content that tanks are required, and a lot of tanks are turned off of tanking because of how toxic some players act towards tanks being bad, learning or going to slow.
Honestly the biggest trait you need as a tank on retail is thick skin, cause without it you will not succeed …
where as classic, You rarely see people sperging out on tanks in dungeons/raids. And Usually if someone does, the rest of the group tells that person off and kicks him lol.

You’re comparing apples to oranges bud.

You couldnt be more right there lol. If we were getting polls about what changes we want that would be one thing. But the changes Blizz has made to wow over it’s 17 years is just a series of gross overreactions that they just walk back the following expansion. That being said, the community isn’t always right either. They made cata heroics insanely difficult because it’s what the community wanted. They were nerfed a few weeks in, and we never got hard heroics again

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Hybrid specs not hybrid classes. Very big distinction that I think people miss. It’s not saying “I can play ret or holy” but instead applies to those builds that can do 2 jobs in 1 spec such as the feral druid or smite priest.

A better solution is to let us save templates then just charge the fee when we want to switch builds. The cost is not the issue. The issue is having to reassign all points and fix the interface EVERY time we want to switch builds. People complaining about the cost are just lazy. 2x 50g respecs per week for an ENTIRE YEAR is only 5,200; the cost of epic flying. You can get this much just doing quests in outlands. It’s not exactly hard to do.

So preventing hyperinflation isn’t a good thing?

Look at retail. You can sell low level, mediocre items for hundreds of gold. Why? Because retail gold value hyper inflated.

To give an example let’s say you farm a stack of current raid flasks. They will sell for a few hundred gold. If you let hyperinflation go unchecked, those same flasks could be selling for a few thousand. Which puts things out of the budget of newer players joining late. Removing gold sinks when we are already getting to much gold before most of the dailies are in is NOT a good idea for the economic health of the in game market which can turn players away from the game or worse cause them to buy gold and “support” the botting issue.

I had made that point earlier, and I was told I don’t get the issue because I “clearly don’t pvp” the respec costs are the same as classic’s but gold is significantly easier to make in BC, vs classic. If you literally do anything outside of BG’s you should have enough gold to afford respecs. It’ll be even less of an issue when the rest of the dailies are available.


There’s an add on for that.